Sunday, November 22, 2015

Eso - Public Sexual Announcements - 20150923

No parades or public flare.  If demisexuals had a flag maybe half gray, half a bedazzled glittering fuchsia swirling in streaks of orange.  The percentage of gray varies by person.  Not oppressed; mainly incognito.  The prefix confers partiality, a limitation, a line or border, between asexuality and whole sexuality. 

As an over 35 Generation X’er, high school had no internet.  Even now most videos are nascent millennials contemplating petri dish dating and not the rusted razor blade of post-divorce monthly-mortgage adult.  The path to realize one is missing that component of physical sexual attraction to navigate the universe of the rawest human drive and why, how, and what fills that space is a perplexing entanglement and a gorgeous unravel.  The dormancy of preadolescence and the advent of pubescence appear normal to the viewer.  The need for a focal device to this slant of sexual stigmatism is not apparent.

Demisexuality implies one finds sexual attraction only through an emotional connection.  A common redress is “Oh you have to get to know people first.  Oh that’s me too.”  Ah, not quite.  This is not a choice; forming relationships, coquetry as a man is problematic. 

Demisexuality means the trigger is not there.  It is as if god was handing out flints on admission to puberty-island and one was given a bucket of wet sticks to fiddle around in the dark.  There is an animalistic drive to fuck another human body, spread legs, sphincter, mouth, or nontraditional erogenous zone physiologically connected to a parameter of symmetry, connotations of health and endowment to leapfrog optimum genetic half-sies.  That drive is present, but locked in a labyrinth behind an avenue of witnessing being-hood rather than body-hood. 

There are elements age, gender, to a degree the same derivations commonly denoting physical health that attract most humans to one another present.  One can recognize attractiveness but does not feel attraction unless unlocked through a maze of emotional connection.  Finding applicable conversation on the subject, as demisexuals finding one another, has a white porcupine quality to the affair as demisexuals are not seeking each other in some rodeo of lascivious emotional fetishism, rather pleasant in happy logs and burrows. 

One looks at a bar full of women and sees a gray canvas of baubles holding expansive universes cradling bigger internal worlds than any imaginable measurement device could register.  It is the overwhelming bombardment of stimuli that neuters.  The massiveness of that commotion infers the human connection to everything and creates a fog.  

A man could view her as attractive, but to be attracted there has to be this ineffable emotional mathematical bridge that is unwieldly, unpredictable, and a recipe for faulty decision making due to the ostensible illusions of the human mind. 

The reason, logic, or maze-wanderings to trigger attraction typically takes a Red-Bull moto-X type attention to detail of gear, angle of approach, and focus to leap such handlebar salvos without the not-so optimum steel-dervish misfire and mangled limbs careening into spectators.  The entire process is nothing but a series of blind hurdles with a vague idea of a payday.  The voided gray feeling thing has this indefinite dormancy period that could be one hell of a non-sex evening, a few dates, or a month or never.  There is a capricious fickle finger of god aspect to the reactionary ordeal to lift the fog.  This disparity of mathematics brings a Batman-like belt of gadgets to circumvent self-sabotage to appear interested like a burrowing mole to titillate a firebug of emotional connection before a time bomb terminates the folly.  

It is sort of like placing one’s hand into a never-before-entered darkened room logically knowing where the light switch should be, but isn’t, while the party-goer you are attempting to seduce is cat-like in twilight content to fuck your silhouette body in the pitch.  You need a glimpse first, then the darkness.  Otherwise fornication feels like fondling an unfamiliar bus depot transient.  A demisexual may like to talk to you, spend time, be friends, but is not attracted nor wants you to play slop hockey with their naughty bits without a palpable emotional inch of moonlight.  This is not confusion between sex and love; this is a necessary sexual trampoline for the gymnast to perform the vault.  One can try launching through the air summersaulting without one but a libido will likely lie down on the runway and go read a book.  

Covert demisexuality has the side effects of the other person thinking you like them far more than you actually do, because what you have to do to figure out if you could be attracted to them is to try to get to know them on this intimate emotional level that gathers the devils of appearing prematurely overt, preoccupied, or the ick-fest of creepy.  For hetero demisexual women this is less of an issue, but for adult men the alternative of closeted austerity is an inferior alternative. 

If you attempt to date or fuck a demisexual please give her or him time.  Demisexuals are generally turtles.  Please do not treat demisexuals like some kind of porn-house scavenger hunt challenge toying with our vulnerability as a bucket list of carnal conquest like banging an albino kudu to your post-notches.  A demisexual probably felt like a platypus alien-type creature during sexual awakening and are good now without the gawking.   

Demisexual emotions are generally eidetic and once formed anchor in an oeuvre of expression.  Thus when you break up with one please afford her or him a bit more elongated window compared to the non-demisexual former lover as the demisexual is not merely untethering from any actual element such as love or you as a person, but this additional sexual addendum that bears a gravity commensurate with the accreting investment it took her or him to form the emotional connection to you.  The demisexual is also breaking up with this emotional forest seeded and navigated.  This may require you to a pour a delicate pitcher of empathy. 

In the beginning it is not that the demisexual does not like you as a person or that he or she is not potentially attracted, it is that for the most part demisexuals are clueless.  Demisexuals are a clueless lot of bastards who get horny, masturbate, and think about sex within a spectrum.  When primed they will fuck you from your cerebellum licked down your fourchette to your commissure and uncage your soul like a flashpoint and explode reverberating orgasms to echo into the unbound universe.  That is the upside. 

For some emotional connection is like a nuclear plant mutant power. Fucking Jean Gray, Professor X shit.  Some demisexuals border closer to asexual, disinterested in sex; there is a spectrum.  When demisexuals connect with you and this can be independent of you actually connecting with them, demisexuals just have to believe it in their labyrinthine interpretation of sexual reality.  At that point the demisexual has done so much god damn work to get there she or he  are going to repay themselves and/or you, however you may perceive the currency exchange, in throttling your body with an armada-like inundation of carnal bombardment. 

A demisexual may be gentle, rough, play with toys, or whisper poetry into your neither regions spelled out in letters across your clit.  All sorts of amorous indulgences may be available, but to get there, to spark without the flint, demisexuals are an enterprising band of prurient conquistadors searching for emotional gold as the first step to try to figure out if they even want to plant their flag.   

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