Sunday, November 22, 2015

Facebook Conversation - 20151122

French - poster self loathing

I need to stop obsessing over women who will never be interested in me and start focusing on improving myself. How the hell do I do that?

Try to see other people for the objective autonomy of volition and self each individual wields not in reference to your ego (i.e. how much you like them or they might like you if they were to experience say x,y, or z), but see them as part of a universal whole that you each belong and in that whole is an infinite realm of decisions and choices which are possible and in that possibility are women who are interested in you for you, for the you inside your being the universe bursting inside you and that dedicating your energy to these women who are not interested in you is a choice you are making to idealize reality; them liking you is a non-reality you have created as a goal, a road, an avenue of energy you are flowing your volition of which will not feed you. If you want to be fed, if you want to ask yourself does this make me happy; does this make me grow; a road to a woman who is not choosing you is not about you; it is not about your ego or an assessment of you as a man; it is about her choice. Respect her choice; see her as part of the common whole to which you also belong. Release that self judgment, cultivate self-awareness and in this the population of women open to choosing you as you explore self-awareness, growth, roads that can add to your happiness, it is here that you will not only improve yourself, but most likely find women who you make happy, because she sees you are happy and growing as a self; and in this she can partner with you in her chosen journey of personal growth. This creates support rather than codependency and you will not obsess, but rather live without clinging or clutching to your idea of the font of your happiness, because the source of your happiness is the common universe inside you, not some woman you obsess over.

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