Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pearl Oyster

Another dent where hope once stuck
Like a redundant ledge for scatter-shot gravel sea-salt
Like a hale roof staring up at god slanted with a wrenching gravity
To try to explain to the self

That perpendicular and parallel have opposite
Fields of orientation for this consciousness
Than the environmental world in which this volition
Appears to operate is akimbo

As if oysters and pearls were not already such slippery currency
And the two had transposed so that the gray-rock shell when opened
Was embedded with a stubborn nut alabaster whiteness impermeable
Occasionally generating a module of softness, a nub of darker gray globule 

To be evaluated and gasped at that something inside the exoskeleton
Was granted a morsel of softness, a congealed liquid squish
Of empathetic understanding, acceptance, and that grand taboo
That interconnects all life that what comprises the majority of innards

In the masses was somehow discovered as a rarity in this body
And what was the anomaly was this being’s normality
Autistic polarity all different minds to make the world
What needs to be, yet this sentence is harsh in this brackish marsh

Drowning in yolk egg-white parched unable to drink the tide
The social nomenclature of how anyone connects ever feels appropriate
That we are really friends, present as if known, seen, or relevant
Beyond the casual game plan of the average Tuesday

Permission to speak express understand assume granted entry
Into conversation or shared experience for the catacombs of function
Operate so deeply the shadows peering have succumbed to the notion
That whatever is nearer to the surface is not the fish’s part of the ocean

A trench dweller geothermal vent the food of sulfur and radiation
Kill the brood, feeds the milky pearl innards like a gasp of air
Alone neck peeking over corners wary of a hand on a shoulder
Like a rape victim and the bedroom door knob inching in rotation

That every resemblance of love was fry-battered in caked abandonment
Torment and recognition of just what waters one is asked to abide
That anything else is suffocation contemplating depression is not sadness
When one has reason to be sad, depression is when one has every reason to be happy

Yet will not keep a gun in the house because the trigger finger feared most sleeps
At the end of one’s limb, and these mathematics of inches and forearm hairs
Stands a bubble of joy rising as if gravity was normalized
For one dear inkling for sphere to appear to ascend from the sandy bottom reef

This sadness has been earned

Smiles about the sadness knowing it is not insane to feel lonely
It is not madness to see fields of cracker-jack box skeletons
Crinkled and absent the questions if one wanted the prize
It is not madness to go at nightfall upon nightfall staring at the moon

Asking god to break the staring contest first
These occurrences that pulverize coincidence
How over and over there is always a reason for the flinch
Knowing it is coming either before or soon after introductions

Like a comical irony of stand-out talent to perform the trick
In a thousand variations all resulting in the same alone
Blearing at the audience like how the fuck did he pull it off again
Not see it coming, palming the coin, picking the pocket

Seeing the queen of hearts always under the other oyster shell
When the Monty is deduced that no matter the alteration in behavior
A man can choose incorrectly with a consistency that would make gambling houses
Midas-like in such gilded perfection

The openness, the vulnerability, the fortitude to craft such artistry
Has sculpted a sadness museum-like collection on display for the ogles
A heart encrusted naked center square invisible
And all the crowd can see is an empire of fabulous clothing  

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