Monday, May 26, 2014

Why Side Arise

You have saved me
In a human faith
I believe in you

More than any force in the universe
If there may be a greater flowing through you
So be it; you have taught me to believe

That happiness is possible
Like a countermeasure to atomic mathematics
Inertia without mass impervious to time

Dancing to bend light in reduction of explanations
To the nucleus of what love is
That I am incapable of not wanting what is best for you

Even in the absence of myself prepared for extradition
Back to the writing desk and lone wolf howls
I am exculpated in your refusal to put us into a bastion

Of what must be remembered sparingly
For to recall daily what cannot be witnessed
Would be a tortuous strife of longing

You have challenged me to be a better man
To love myself enough to be happy
To see not cancer, but muscle

I feel oxygen is your skin
Reminding me what human is
The paradoxes of atheism and Christianity dancing

Ten thousand thoughts at once
Straight forward and through the road
We each had the chance to become hardened stone   

I have seen the minute before dawn
Grasping your hand to say the word family without flinch
To do more than accept a blade in the gullet

To provide a home, meals, stability, and honest joy
To have the honor of being by your side
For my empathy with you is unbound

To know the frankness, the starkness of life’s planks
Water’s clarity of that, which we all come,
But react in varied course

I in motion inside, you out
I calm the out, you the in
Balance like positioning lips

You are my person
I choose you

As family, as always, as love 

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