Monday, May 26, 2014

Our Tree

What did I do to water the plant today?
This bond is our most precious organism of mental intimacy
Requiring tending as any iris or canine
The water, the phosphate, the muscle tissue

The processes of time apply
The gorgeous tree of apple blossoms if left
Festers: rot, drought, wilt, or decay
So that the very sun which feeds its limbs

Without supplement for balancing thirst and hunger
Will die
So in I give to you these words
Our organism is more important to me than my ego

For our organism is half of me
For when I ignore or neglect our organism
I am suffering

Anger, condemnation, criticism, blame, threats,
Punishment, controlling are poison
Prioritizing the self over the unified one

The inevitable flaws of human frailty encourage one to grasp
For the deflection of pushing down the other to raise the self
For in our organism this drowns us both

Listening, support, encouragement, respect, trust
Acceptance, and always negotiating our disagreements
Are air, are life, are food

To leave the spear head in our abdomen like a stinger
Overnight in our bed is to allow the thief into our vault
Our sanctuary becomes shadowed in accuser and accused

The mutuality of lightness browns as our fruit awaits the buzzards
We create a foul fallow harvest in such exchanges
Let us breathe the thanksgiving of honest discourse into that which is greater than each

To be one 

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