Monday, May 26, 2014

Again to the Trench

Most humans start with a pretty face and work backwards
Symmetrical spheres, curved beauty
Rugged firm handsomeness lined in definitive exploration
The arbitrary magnetism of the physical and existential

Pulls me into a staring contest with oblivion
As if irises are time warps allocating beatitudes in lockets of Medusa’s glare
Open the hinge and the mirror leaves orchards of statues
Molded like Rodin and Larry Flint became Santa’s elves

Painting the ends of fingers and toes, lips and rouge vulvas
Pulsating circumcised decision makers so that Viagra competes with Yasmin
For market dividends of who is and is not born in tomorrow’s direct deposit  
The accountancy has left me peering into an ocean of blanks

Every façade could be anyone and is no one and so I become one
Absent of conversation assumption over discussion
Got it all figured out in the hungry heart of Thanksgiving dinner
Where patriotism, religion, and fanaticism sound like curse words

Faith in volition and nothing
Saying I got mine and everybody else forgot theirs out of pocket
Flowing with the tides of sexual repression, expression and cultish tax deductible experiences
See the eagles and the crow and extinction looks palatable in the withered corn rows

Fertilizer in the rain and praying inside my skull like an orphan knowing
Mother died of an overdose and daddy never knew
Leaving permit applications blank and deadlines pass
Marching into April and seeing December’s cogs wind

Oh the time for volunteering to plant grass inside the coast
Hammer a nail for a homeless family or cast the deciding vote
So preoccupied with unpacking boxes after this odyssey

To begin another knowing the bodies offer nothing but an opening gambit  

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