Monday, May 26, 2014


I have lived 12,903 and one half days
Rotations facing un-facing
Needing 23,741 or so for government retirement
Prior to any extensions

I think I say this now; I am willing
Check in another 3,652
Eating the same ham sandwich like cow to GMO corn

Gastrointestinal, cardiac, respiratory and nervous
The systems are corrupted waiting to lose warranty
Just in time for the golden years of a midnight respite
To be left sleeping in a poem

Make another pod-mate, kill another
Juggling the crumbling flakes
Sliced thinking about the blade
Impaling right lower abdomen as the heat swells around the intruder

The careful extraction as the instrument has to be removed by the bleeder
The florescent summer of applying pressure for the stitched season
Of calling for aid and desiring no one to come

Better get going 

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