Monday, May 26, 2014

Moving Boxes

Unpacked boxes are not being listened to or heard
The cardboard with the markers printed and crossed out
Lined through histories of what was in removed and repackaged
The board games and glassware fragile

Loaded and unloaded until the frailty is no longer prioritized
If it breaks this time so be it
The hurricanes of photograph albums to foreign states
For rental homes and asphalt quality time

Placement fees and hauling back and seeing another storage facility
The ramps of this vehicle and multi-trips of I am here as an intransigent
The impermanence is a footnote with initials like why sign a whole name
Pad lock keys on the ring for a location number in a hall of roll up doors

That appear exactly the same independent of the city but the same flotsam
Hibernates in a petri dish of bacterium behind the raise
In a sofa breeding microscopic itch pinchers in the fabric
So that when finally unpacked a man still cannot sit

The gasoline to have temporary stay in a father-in-law’s domain
Where every motion to relax is measured with who is watching
Because there are boxes here and there and not yet able to be sliced
With a razor blade across the tape without the expectation of reapplication

The step-to-it porch and out to the rental
Boomerang into another mortgage
Signed for nine U-Haul trucks in nine years
Like a crack dealer good riddance

She wonders why I cannot function with boxes in the living room
I sent her away and loaded the cardboard into her car
Regretting the tale for another man to help her move

Praying maybe I will get the boxes back

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