Monday, May 26, 2014

Oh Cobblers!

I was the asshole this time
I sent her away, marriage, children, the cliché
Could not compete with my anxiety
Hunger to be alone

Like I have some exclusivity on being the disavowed
In a contract with my ego as some pathetic synthetic emblem of a writer
Devouring warmed tins of macaroni eighth-grade notes
From girls written in purple ink about how I changed

And no more making out for the one time in a decade
To feed that beast to scribe tomes of alliterated metered vomit
Churning into sophomore flirtations with heroin heroines
Swimming with dyed hair and jostling bosoms

Who could never make practice and stories of divergent Friday nights
Theater and anti-matter prom dates stitching singular experiences
Into standard bearers to cobble boots to traverse the expanse
Mountains cast shadows, but are not necessary with closed eyelids

Playwrights awarded for tragedy in summer dreams
Lover slaying lover with gun and tongue
Neither can live while the other exists splattering orgasms to blot out the ink
Seeing memories like genetic equations of need and want

Here for a nanosecond
What do we do in the yactosecond when we realize we are here?
Irrelevant mutterings in graffiti sonnets and diarrhea tweets
Posturing and proposing fear and love

Wine and water coloring in squid black vertebrae volition
To uphold that in this glimpse one chooses another wholly
Knowing termination as stars collide into impetus and carve jet chasms
Beyond event horizons of infinite gravity

That when dissected is a particle attracting another
Exponentially announcing decisive collaboration
Worlds birth, beat, and perish in such operas
In the business of focus

Choosing love or fear; life or nonexistence
It is not when, how or if the exit, but the tread worn on our cobbled illusions
Won’t you play with me dear love, before gravity catches me once more?

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