Monday, May 26, 2014


The mind is a circle of three players
Doing, Thinking, and Feeling

Thinking is a labyrinth
A perpetual maze where perception
Shifts stimuli as either a door or wall
Dependent on the viewer

Feeling is a thermometer
A motionless gauge in which to register
Where one is relative to a base of normal
Chemically influenced by the only controllable variable

Doing breaks the system
Small actions achievable within the auspices of the individual
Fosters a seed germinating in accountability to the self
To jar one’s environmental status so that the other two may change

As much as one may desire happiness, purging depression
Or attempt to script or self analyze one’s self into harmony
Like a hand in the ocean or common magnetic polarity
Intention itself repulses definitive result

When the conscious and unconscious mind are in conflict
If one could deliver a valedictory to the ego and have the superego, id, and libido
Abide the mind would be abandoning its tiered structure
Of the frontal-cognitive, mid-emotive, and base-instinctual

We were primates, reptiles, fish, and floating microorganisms before we were humans
The genetic tree separates, but evolved on a common foundation of survival
To attempt to trump fight or flight with rational discourse is the dilemma of man
Floundering in our body’s attempt to return to the comfort of the worn road

We may battle in our dreams by letting go and have our mind conquer
Who we told ourselves we are with who we wish to be
We can instill the cog of genetic life in an action of doing
To replicate in novel message to disrupt the system we know

So that in each repetition the plasticity of our brain
Remaps the highways of function
We uncover freedom by direct volition to do
This spawns the indirect circular counterbalance

Of a change in thought and feeling
Our thermometer recalibrates
The boiling and freezing points
Of hot madness and cool joy shift

The doors and walls merge, open and expand corridors of thought
So that we never exit the labyrinth, but the tiny housing of depression
May enlarge to continents and planets so that the idea of a prison turns into paradise
We return to the ocean in such ways, swimming, daydreaming, and breathing poetry

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