Monday, May 26, 2014

Blabbering Nonsense 8,892

Swallowing the force of her dissolving the taste of me
From her tongue washes the permanence
Of my desire to exit the chasm of my skull
For this world into ash

I see her ambivalence drift the fervent playfulness into numb
Rearranged in an alphabet of archeology
Into a way I could feel like a fire knowing reciprocation
Was required to kindle and so

The embers are soaked in the turgid melancholy of disinterest
The faces of the parade again stare back with occupied status
The hotel doors are copies of copies brown wood and tall
Electronic locks to the cackle of timing

Everything looks like a recording
Immutable past tense unable to interface
Understood these words drift like an extinct species
Through biological anthologies of a white crane

Stories told in bar and living rooms with the volume swung low
The blob feels like a jellyfish sting and the sway of nausea
Another face to dub this weird, off, and I have no idea what to say
Or if I will ever want to talk, participate in the waking walking

Arbitrary, ambivalent, ironic disenchanted maelstrom
Come with tornado evisceration to level this occupation
Of attempting to believe that there is something to do in this life
Some days the list is endless others every word looks like manipulated diversion

The inflation pressure on the car tires
The paint hue on the walls
The flight schedule for a passport
The lawn’s verdant elevation

The stomach’s growling requests
The picture box’s twinkling pixels
The pheromones and fluids
The stitching of the proletariat third-world

The water microbes and carbon smoke
Her scent in my drawers rising and falling
I do not want to think about attempting to care
The logistics of what the hell to do today
Feel like concrete socks for treading oceans
Who cares just check out the reef and get it over with?

Was hopeful now hopeless
Mentally ill and loving every hell
Lick the sewer rim, monster again
I am repugnant

Write to push the love into armpits and cranny coves
Mr. Feel Nothing ballet on the levee
Vomit night, quiet I’ll pass
Does anyone know anyone?

Picked the man from a past I knew not
Stacked like all the compartments she did not wish to share
How many and where, with what, and I shrink into the oblivion
Of irrelevant trust

I offer a lifetime like a breeze in one ear
And the currency is so devalued the exchange rate buys nothing these days
Country gone banana republic
The future feels like retribution, announcements like gunshots

Worse to take and blood to drown in the idea that life moves
When the coagulated paste of not wanting to try
Clogged the mind so early to keep the flood moving

Happy drowning day!

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