Monday, May 26, 2014

Love as an Immigrant

Shovel sandy grit with the sift of guilt masquerading as love
Admitting the actions were made for nostalgia
For the times a man was worthy of a glance in a mirror
Without flinching like a startled boxer

Past the fulcrum of age where the reaction time in muscle tissue
Declines and impregnable becomes battered
Pummeled to the realization
That the only way to survive is to shut love

The way America does with immigrants
We are that which we deport
Thirsting re-entry for the salvation of honest work
To be needed beyond oceans, deserts, or mountains

The arduous passageways relinquish like street corner junkies
Knowing blood vessels fill up with the opiates of lottery endorphins
Today might be that day!
These numbers might be the combination!

Locked in glances at store front windows glaring semi-transparent reflections
Of the seller and the buyer fornicating commerce of must and want
Doused in pressure to confess that under lust was another job
Compulsion to join the cult of happy

Others as prerequisite bunk mates and coffee spoon measurers
A scatter plot of midnights made purpose
Like one ant hill conquering the next, as if the thoraxes were not iterations
Of a common extinction waiting beyond the waves

We wait for a lolly-pop to be placed into the mound by a sky-giant
We worship pheromone queens for the sake of the brood
Fawning over larva until chemical adolescence sends the boys to war
In crag and jungle the warriors aim high on purpose

Dirt is carried like pyramids for pharaohs honoring the dead executives
Until love is cast into a gilded tomb sequestered from a pauper’s grip
So that what is fundamental becomes luxurious delicacy
Swathed in currencies dispensed by treasury departments and Walton cartels

Deported under an interstate when costumes removed to cast with the other trash

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