Monday, May 26, 2014

Permission to be Happy

You would not let me go
You fought for us and with that the ice shattered
This permission I have been pursuing inside my volition
To love you

Fissured into a sightline in a current of your demand
That I was not negligible to your happiness
I was able to visualize the permanence you see in me
Stubborn to my skeleton

I asked for stillness
You gave me stability of comfort
Tell me you want me and you said
You wish to spend your forever by my side

The winter in my heart has thawed and I am ecstatic
Tempered in my robust enthusiasm, but pouring like a war of water
I could never combat the river’s solidity
I have waited for my spring for five years

I am flowing and I see your beautiful face as harbor
Praying in glances of common bond 
To see the seed of life come full circle
In the darkest before the dawn

I crumbled into an elixir of fear apt to sip the draught of death
Your faith in life’s bloom has let the glass slip from my cancerous fingers
The deadness is wandering to evaporation for other clouds,
But this morn I am smelling ambrosia in your embrace

This balance that I am not replaceable
Nor numbered in a fraction of forgetfulness
Has shook me to the crucible of my humanity
The chemistry of humble love registering has ensnared me in your meekness

I am breaking into sonic reverberation as the universe tolls
Let us be a family
You and me; balancing the alone inside the love
That I can be the full encompassing self I have always

And that is the man you love
I have never gone a day when I did not root for us behind my spider webs
I am drawn to you
You, me, daylight, midnight, roads, let’s roll!

For so long I saw peril in happiness; the risk of the stinger in looks
And in you I have given myself permission to be happy

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