Monday, May 26, 2014

Redefine the Meme

We are not special.  We are all interconnected in a universal one to genetic-life biologically, to the elements of our tiny planet, and to the atomic sorting house of the universe.  The conceptual differentiation of a star, rock, river, bacterium, frog, mouse, or human is netted into Einstein’s general relativity.  An observer sees the universe as falling away from the self independent of its position in the universe.  This self-centered illusion permeates our hunger for the Meme to see our self as special and cascade this award to our species and habitat. 

We fictionalize histories of gods producing creation primarily intended as our play and testing ground.  We script contests, legalities, and consequence not inside the evidential crucible of physics, but in the teleological comfort of faiths which affirm our exclusivity on purpose.

The universe obeys grand physics we barely comprehend as a species.  However with every greater measure of understanding the essential cog of a designer is reduced in probability and necessity.  This threatens the Meme.  The idea that perpetuated microscopic life spanning the five mass extinctions on Earth is below humanity is a tenable arrogance mocked by time.  Life finds a niche, exploits the niche as long as possible, evolving when necessary and inevitably suffers a form of extinction.

Extinction is only in form because everything in the universe we know is made of the same star product.  Whether a dinosaur or dodo the genes of what preceded the offshoot of such creatures continue in others on this Earth.  The source material, whether inanimate or animate, bears a common font.  When our sun ceases in around five billion years our atoms will continue just as they did in the universe’s indifferent prologue.  Only life cackles at the theater of humanity’s concept of individuality, the universe simply is. 

Are we more atoms or genes?  Did microscopic life on Earth travel in on a meteor?  If so how does that organism’s genes trace back to the big bang?  What of before the bang to a commensurate implosion to our explosion?  Proven or not space time needs no beginning and both the finite and infinite bring inexhaustible quandary.  Knowing how we came to be provides much, but is insufficient to fully instruct how to proceed.

What is the meaning of life; to perpetuate genes jumping vehicles, to evolve or love?  We can choose to ponder and act upon our interconnected universe or insulate into a haughty plump satisfaction masquerading hypothesis as conclusion.  We escalate commitment to attend naked parades of emperors to affirm our lethargy that we are done thinking.  The idea that we have solved life through a crucifix or a white flying horse truncates the grand improbability that our species exists, that we were born through a single half-celled gamete from father and half celled egg from mother given the exponential alternatives.   

The universe is a circus of the improbable surfacing from seed following the instructions of beautiful blueprints annotated through the suboptimal limbs of evolution blossoming from the scaffolding of the past.  Solar radiation’s bath flowed primordial ooze permeating trial and error origins of sex, gender, cellular groupings, fish, into crawling mutations, into reptiles, into nocturnal burrowing mammals onward. 

The question of the Meme is not, is evolution real or where is the Earth relative to a conceptual center of what we ponder as our corner of the universe, those have been factually established.  This question is why do we do what we do?  Why do we treat other humans, plants, animals, ideas, as we do?  Where do love and fear tug a war inside this quandary?  How can we further our understanding?

This treatise will explore these questions.  To pursue a meaning to existence is to attempt to accelerate matter beyond the speed of light.  Through Einstein, we know mass increases with the energy required to approach such velocity.  Therein the closer we get to the illusion of a goal the further away definitive conclusion eludes us.  As in the Meme, we become repelled through the arrogance of certitude. 

The point of life is not to exceed the speed of light or have the answer, but that we keep questioning.  Through curious questioning we mold understanding of each other to enhance our universal interconnected prosperity.  Prosperity is not defined by being the species which perpetuates genetically, but by increasing the wellness of life as an atomic whole in an ever expanding multiverse. 

We are not called to comprehend, but to attempt to understand.  Victory is in the mutual expansion.  Eat or be eaten is a zero sum game accomplishing digestion and excrement trading roles to sustain thresholds for chained dependency.  Exploitation, oligarchies, despots, obliteration, and cults of the absolute asphyxiate interdependent life in time.  One should not seek vengeance, but understanding. 

The lion and gazelle are the Muslim and the Jew.  Each needs the other in imperfection.  The extinction of the other brings one’s end.  We do not balance in our perceived enemy, good for evil, but as a universal whole.  In war we shrink collective empathy and fail to expand what we could be.  In peace we grow as an exponential ecosystem exploring nebula and hearts.  Bullets are necessary pruning given the prisoner’s dilemma of human exploitation, yet so often children of ignorance fornicate in the debauchery of self worship believing one is special.  

Life’s slate is swept through mass extinction.  The time of humans will invariably end prior to anything approaching knowledge, yet we are part of the theater dare interconnected through the indefinable dubbed God.  We dare contribute soliloquies and verse into time.  We stand on the Earthly shoulders of Newton, Aristotle, Einstein, and Tiktaalik knowing change is the constancy required to transcend the myopic demand for uniqueness and truly live.  

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