Monday, May 26, 2014

Organic Accounts

An economy is a living organism
The stagnant waters are breeding algae, not lethargic, but desperate
For the oxygen has been strained into a cult of consolidation
Where the nearest star is ever more eclipsed by the height

Of the mounds of wealth sleeping in banks rising like eponymous elephant hills
Bearing lessons for the reluctant orators shuffling subsidized soybean and corn
At drive-through counter conversations via hands-free head-sets
For hygienically paper-wrapped plastic straws stuffed into golden-arch bags

A man owns a hotel
Breaks a bit above-even on-paper
Revenue ten million, expenses nine point ninety-nine million
What has he accomplished?

A gumbo pot starts with the roux
Fire, flour, oil, time
Thickening into the trinity of onions, bell pepper, and celery
Mixed with stock to drench either chicken-Andouille or shrimp-crab-oyster

Okra, cayenne, bay leaves, soaked with the bones and shells
The herbs to the tongue to make a winter’s grip slip into empathetic steam
Rising from bowl into the mouths of a family around a table
Spoons, bellies, and bath before bedtime for school in the morn

Mother to change the sheets of city visitors on convention
Father to drive a taxi
Children bundled up and hoping the fights in the yard don’t get too close
Just want to have a little time for recess before attending to the common core

A man does not build a hotel
Funds on sequester
An investment account for market return percentages
I think I will keep the difference

Open the shores of Mexico and Brazil to the mountains of China and Tennessee
There goes the average labor rate spread across the lowest common denominator
Rice and beans, farms and concrete, Woody Guthrie’s singing about heavy loads
In the dust rolling in stomach’s and okra brought on African produce ships

Productive value paid an official taxable wage to smile at freedom
Fountain pens and hand guns, marijuana and cotton
Foxconn and Fox news; Roger Ailes and hammering nails
Organic vegetables and a world pond

Syphoning off into a bathtub drain at the spa

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