Monday, May 26, 2014

Dancing 5/26/14

If heaven exists beyond the lingering touch of atoms
I imagine we are in connection with everyone and everything all at once beyond time
or we are in heaven now

Every face, memory, touch, kindness or split of knowledge is present
All at once we are listening

The pains, the wrongs, the regrets, the malice, the evil
Those who spawned our hatred are encapsulated in an encompassing forgiveness
Released beyond the tethers of human into the reverberating
Passage that is

Life may merely be the undulation of our awareness of this potential
In us, around, in others and exchanging in every atomic ballet
Between plant, mineral, animal, and plasma there is no message
There is no script but the dance

For that is what we are dancers playing roles dressed in empathy and cowardice
Waiting for the laughter between choosing love or fear
In the illusion of these bodies piloting cognitive tiers of fish, reptile and primate
For a time as others have before and others will after

We are waltzing to the atomic meter
Witnessing God in the force between the handshakes
Of the atom I was born with has somehow found its path
To pump the blood in your heart the day we met

In between so circuitous, yet there are no coincidences

Only dancing as our one 

In the Dream

In the dream
I did not simply get the anger out, release the beast
To progress
I found God again

Not a theist’s derivation, but the permission
To see that beyond comprehension here
Between you and me; in the boughs of marriage
I and God and you allowed

The relief from the anger is trumped
By the joy of the resonance
That I finally feel worthy of traveling
Through the stars with you

Names, definitions, scripture if you can see the goodness
We can be the ink to write our tales
Nothing but choice to the how in the entwined

Dream, baby dream
Halos and hearts  

This was never over 


I submit to our love; I submit to serve our love
In this I control only what I choose to do
Which is to attempt to make your life beautiful and
Witness your response

This is the charge of a lifetime
I am called from labyrinths from within my soul
To exit the mazes beneath and
Sit with you holding hands on the surface

Let us plant each other here
My water; your fruit
Together we shall nourish the other

Quiet me when I am rambling
I shall give you roost when the heavens startle
Pink vagabond;

Every corner of the labyrinth was a path to here
The shadows and the sweetness; the others and the pieces
But breadcrumbs and directions to be ready
To appreciate this moment

You and I offering the all 

The Bee and the Ovule

This is how a man feels when he loves a woman
He would do anything for her
To make her heart smile; to discover her desire
And then to become the vessel in which that desire flows to fruition

He is willing and as able as a flawed human can be
Hungry in the hours to be reciprocated
Through witnessing her bloom
He becomes her gardener

These are the measure of masculine exaltation
To provide, do, manifest in the other
He is lumber like the beams of the manger
She is the milk, the eggs, the seed of life

Birthing in the hours of man witnessing the miracle
In awe of her creation basking in that which is godlike
In her a part of him participates in the grand theater
Outside himself his cells and atoms join the ballet

In her softness he is manifest to be servant and shield
Builder and fiduciary of the estate so that she may have the soil
Fertilized and ready for her petals to unfurl
This pollination in his treasure, his godly deed

To know the cycle reverberates through the universe
In their adjoining, the bee and the ovule

Breathing love

Simple wishes

Better than country music
Give me a pop beat as long as she’s dancing with me
It’s all good

Simple, level the playing field of these stratosphere and nadir
Thoughts about the universal profits and costs
Being in the present

Letting go of the heavy and finding heaven
In the softness of a woman
Who simply wishes to be close and treated tenderly

You are my best friend
I have thought of you in my heart daily for years
You attached

Try as life might my idiocy cannot dislodge
That which is my burred faith
That there is so much of the universe I am ignorant

I do not need to know, except that you are part
Of the all pulling me towards the now
Away from the fallen timbers and maze runner jams

You are open air blanketing a field
Praying for me to join hands and run
I am a root for the steady

I am the boat and you are the oars
Together we are rowing these oceans
Stargazing, eye gazing, mesmerized

Crackle thunder hurricane swirls
Seen the mirrored strength to choose
The us, faith that you will come back to me

Wanting only what is best for you
Even if that is to see you sail away
Humble, endeared, present in my consciousness

Doing all a man can in these times
To bear the darkness before the sunrise
With a simple wish for our love

Our Tree

What did I do to water the plant today?
This bond is our most precious organism of mental intimacy
Requiring tending as any iris or canine
The water, the phosphate, the muscle tissue

The processes of time apply
The gorgeous tree of apple blossoms if left
Festers: rot, drought, wilt, or decay
So that the very sun which feeds its limbs

Without supplement for balancing thirst and hunger
Will die
So in I give to you these words
Our organism is more important to me than my ego

For our organism is half of me
For when I ignore or neglect our organism
I am suffering

Anger, condemnation, criticism, blame, threats,
Punishment, controlling are poison
Prioritizing the self over the unified one

The inevitable flaws of human frailty encourage one to grasp
For the deflection of pushing down the other to raise the self
For in our organism this drowns us both

Listening, support, encouragement, respect, trust
Acceptance, and always negotiating our disagreements
Are air, are life, are food

To leave the spear head in our abdomen like a stinger
Overnight in our bed is to allow the thief into our vault
Our sanctuary becomes shadowed in accuser and accused

The mutuality of lightness browns as our fruit awaits the buzzards
We create a foul fallow harvest in such exchanges
Let us breathe the thanksgiving of honest discourse into that which is greater than each

To be one 

Moving Boxes

Unpacked boxes are not being listened to or heard
The cardboard with the markers printed and crossed out
Lined through histories of what was in removed and repackaged
The board games and glassware fragile

Loaded and unloaded until the frailty is no longer prioritized
If it breaks this time so be it
The hurricanes of photograph albums to foreign states
For rental homes and asphalt quality time

Placement fees and hauling back and seeing another storage facility
The ramps of this vehicle and multi-trips of I am here as an intransigent
The impermanence is a footnote with initials like why sign a whole name
Pad lock keys on the ring for a location number in a hall of roll up doors

That appear exactly the same independent of the city but the same flotsam
Hibernates in a petri dish of bacterium behind the raise
In a sofa breeding microscopic itch pinchers in the fabric
So that when finally unpacked a man still cannot sit

The gasoline to have temporary stay in a father-in-law’s domain
Where every motion to relax is measured with who is watching
Because there are boxes here and there and not yet able to be sliced
With a razor blade across the tape without the expectation of reapplication

The step-to-it porch and out to the rental
Boomerang into another mortgage
Signed for nine U-Haul trucks in nine years
Like a crack dealer good riddance

She wonders why I cannot function with boxes in the living room
I sent her away and loaded the cardboard into her car
Regretting the tale for another man to help her move

Praying maybe I will get the boxes back


Before we met you showed me your name was a truncation
Was it not, you said, like the real needed changing
Now didn’t it? Callie, Marie, Alicia, Elizabeth
A string of words and endless list

Places and family never had
Fitting together into a faceless stab
Once you’re off, you’re off the list
Father, mother, sister, he

Never to speak and now it’s me
Shoved across a paper beach
The tide comes in and memories
Shift to the waters of cannot be

Names that exist in ration
Wounds wrapped in faith
That happiness is oxygen
Vacuumed like quicksand to return

Drowning in the recollections
Of being unchosen
The runaway towns, books, and mirrors
Skipping rocks on liquid woman

Settling is an anchor and an island
Infant arms and a man’s chest
Whispering a tepid tempo of nowhere left
To explore but here

Such a lovely shore

A Rant on Insecurity and the Universe

Insecurity is the number one ruining force in all relationships.  It provides the ultimate thinking labyrinth.  Insecurity leads one to knot hallways of illusion to form the infinity symbol inside the unconscious.  One wanders through swamp thick ordained ineptitude to intentionally sabotage one’s inability to fulfill desires.  The conscious wishes of virility, beauty, intelligence, esteem, strength, and understanding are dubbed unattainable due to the knot. 

Therein our failures score not under the ledger of our accountability, but to external forces to which we are by foundational limitation inept from overcoming.  Our insecurities cement the rationalization.  Our conscious and unconscious minds battle.  Each trades roles depending on our day’s disposition. 

In our weakness the unconscious purports the flawed lies of the excuse and our conscious berates our abilities.  Everyone has flaws.  The Earth is not athletes and models of Newtonian intelligence doing philanthropic work for legions of those in need while mastering the marketplace with empathetic familial hearts teaching progeny to better the species in genetic ballet.  Pinnacles are their own form of illusion.  So are desires.

What one seeks is often what one lacks, not what one is.  The ego may derail this fulfillment through hungering for a psychological doppelganger.  Human growth is stymied in such childish mirrors.  Children wish to be told they represent the ideal.  Adults pursue the honesty of a pruned plant.  Rain forests flourish in such trials.

We like the electromagnetic force pursue balance.  Insecurity derails our completeness by limiting the love we have to give by the love we feel we deserve.  Even the unattained does not represent that which we failed to be worthy.  The seed is in the doing, the attempt, not the result.  The act of doing shocks the system towards growth.  The flower is consequence not cause. 

When we assume the stasis of what we perceive ourselves to be is complete, we become a desert.  We sacrifice our balance for a one-sided mirage utopia.  The insecure mind sees divergent personality traits as superior competition.  The secure sees complements to foster mutual benefit.  The reaction to opposing forces in our sociological Olympiad is how we either grow or wallow inside a feckless stasis of self-endowed insecurity. 

The challenge is to engage in the sexual troughs of experimentation that exalt our libido to relieve conflict with the unconsciousness mind through mutually fed relationships.  We can devour the security of others in flawed demotion of the other for the temporary opiate of esteem.  This is common in beer and cosmetic commercials.  In contrast we can nourish each human through a trusting reciprocation that each is committed to better the other.

Like two lines resting in a triangular peek, these reciprocal objectives achieve a common strength.  Each trusts the other to remain.  Insecurity challenges this trust and in turn creates a game of chicken with our conflicting desires of egotistic known and unknown.  We seek both the pleasure of companionship and the security of absolute assurance. 

True love can never offer such absolutes.  Love requires the uncertainty to instil the validity of its worth.  Like God, if we knew what mirrored the Big Bang, a close for our opening for instance, the potential of a multiverse or a first cause or comprehension of a presence which connects us, the value in the trust and respect fostered through unknowing is more precious than the certitude of inscrutable evidence of either confirmation or refutation.

So in this balance of insecurity we see love, we see the universe, we see dare to dream purpose. 


The mind is a circle of three players
Doing, Thinking, and Feeling

Thinking is a labyrinth
A perpetual maze where perception
Shifts stimuli as either a door or wall
Dependent on the viewer

Feeling is a thermometer
A motionless gauge in which to register
Where one is relative to a base of normal
Chemically influenced by the only controllable variable

Doing breaks the system
Small actions achievable within the auspices of the individual
Fosters a seed germinating in accountability to the self
To jar one’s environmental status so that the other two may change

As much as one may desire happiness, purging depression
Or attempt to script or self analyze one’s self into harmony
Like a hand in the ocean or common magnetic polarity
Intention itself repulses definitive result

When the conscious and unconscious mind are in conflict
If one could deliver a valedictory to the ego and have the superego, id, and libido
Abide the mind would be abandoning its tiered structure
Of the frontal-cognitive, mid-emotive, and base-instinctual

We were primates, reptiles, fish, and floating microorganisms before we were humans
The genetic tree separates, but evolved on a common foundation of survival
To attempt to trump fight or flight with rational discourse is the dilemma of man
Floundering in our body’s attempt to return to the comfort of the worn road

We may battle in our dreams by letting go and have our mind conquer
Who we told ourselves we are with who we wish to be
We can instill the cog of genetic life in an action of doing
To replicate in novel message to disrupt the system we know

So that in each repetition the plasticity of our brain
Remaps the highways of function
We uncover freedom by direct volition to do
This spawns the indirect circular counterbalance

Of a change in thought and feeling
Our thermometer recalibrates
The boiling and freezing points
Of hot madness and cool joy shift

The doors and walls merge, open and expand corridors of thought
So that we never exit the labyrinth, but the tiny housing of depression
May enlarge to continents and planets so that the idea of a prison turns into paradise
We return to the ocean in such ways, swimming, daydreaming, and breathing poetry

A Purple Key on a Countertop

The most malicious of ironies
I pushed you away because I knew there was an illness in me
I was uncertain on if or when I would ever find a cure
To spare you infection I requested solitary

I never stopped loving you
The words resonate

To achieve the isolation I accepted watching my beloved
Ride off to a Lone Star life

This demon in me we have battled
I wished him gone more than anyone

In the nadir of contemplating the apex of what might have been our marriage
A dream cast upon my cradle and I found the sword
To just cut it loose and be dragged down no more

Rising up I search for daylight in your eyes
In the demon’s blood on the blade I see the glimmer or your injury
Reflecting in your love like wine into vinegar for me
Your faith in us withered like huckleberries

I never stopped loving you
All I wanted was a chance to be myself once more
Like a man hindered behind a gargoyle’s mask loving you all the while
Finally shed of stone he sees such pain in you twisted into ambivalence

And into the arms of another
So now I am asked to do the same
I finally have my freedom and I am returned back into a pit
The prior awash in anger; the current heartache

Trying to make sense of the look in your eyes
Of what should matter, what should not
Smashed into my guts you were my person
I went through hell to try to love you and became part devil to get out

I beat the darkness and all I have to show for it is the love that helped me find myself
Does not want a man she has never met

The most malicious of ironies 

Blabbering Nonsense 8,892

Swallowing the force of her dissolving the taste of me
From her tongue washes the permanence
Of my desire to exit the chasm of my skull
For this world into ash

I see her ambivalence drift the fervent playfulness into numb
Rearranged in an alphabet of archeology
Into a way I could feel like a fire knowing reciprocation
Was required to kindle and so

The embers are soaked in the turgid melancholy of disinterest
The faces of the parade again stare back with occupied status
The hotel doors are copies of copies brown wood and tall
Electronic locks to the cackle of timing

Everything looks like a recording
Immutable past tense unable to interface
Understood these words drift like an extinct species
Through biological anthologies of a white crane

Stories told in bar and living rooms with the volume swung low
The blob feels like a jellyfish sting and the sway of nausea
Another face to dub this weird, off, and I have no idea what to say
Or if I will ever want to talk, participate in the waking walking

Arbitrary, ambivalent, ironic disenchanted maelstrom
Come with tornado evisceration to level this occupation
Of attempting to believe that there is something to do in this life
Some days the list is endless others every word looks like manipulated diversion

The inflation pressure on the car tires
The paint hue on the walls
The flight schedule for a passport
The lawn’s verdant elevation

The stomach’s growling requests
The picture box’s twinkling pixels
The pheromones and fluids
The stitching of the proletariat third-world

The water microbes and carbon smoke
Her scent in my drawers rising and falling
I do not want to think about attempting to care
The logistics of what the hell to do today
Feel like concrete socks for treading oceans
Who cares just check out the reef and get it over with?

Was hopeful now hopeless
Mentally ill and loving every hell
Lick the sewer rim, monster again
I am repugnant

Write to push the love into armpits and cranny coves
Mr. Feel Nothing ballet on the levee
Vomit night, quiet I’ll pass
Does anyone know anyone?

Picked the man from a past I knew not
Stacked like all the compartments she did not wish to share
How many and where, with what, and I shrink into the oblivion
Of irrelevant trust

I offer a lifetime like a breeze in one ear
And the currency is so devalued the exchange rate buys nothing these days
Country gone banana republic
The future feels like retribution, announcements like gunshots

Worse to take and blood to drown in the idea that life moves
When the coagulated paste of not wanting to try
Clogged the mind so early to keep the flood moving

Happy drowning day!