Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thoughts on Selected Quotes from, “The Monarchy: A Critique of Britain’s Favorite Fetish” By Christopher Hitchens, published 1990

Selected-quotes-from-monarchy-critique by Christopher Hitchens

The exit of the fertilized fetus from Kate Middleton’s vagina brought me to thoughts of this treatise from the late Brit Christopher Hitchens.  My usual contempt for the traffic-accident nature of modern journalism is a trite and labored critique.  All one has to do is witness the zealot-like zingers of HBO’s Newsroom to see the current state of thought on journalism in America from a lefty-righty war-game.

The awaiting gilded bassinette and trained lap-dog feces remediation team for the youngling’s diaper service, once the bacterium are amassed in his intestinal track, are certain fonts of allegorical commentary on the lives of the wealthy.  I however am more drawn to the percentage of the global populace undulating between fantastical allure to and certain subsequent vomitus disgust for the reality show of the ‘Royals’ during such cycles of engagements, weddings, births, divorces and car wrecks. 

I can fathom the distaste, but find the hunger akin to one’s attraction to the non-thinking of a religious cult.  I think of a canine-like yearning to be ruled, so that one’s volition can be cast aside as a burden for the random range of result from benevolent monarch to tyrannical dictator.

Hitchens will never share in the gluttony for viewing the young prince’s bum or scrotum in the manner so many women and men of the English-speaking world appear to desire.  As an accountant I ponder the rudimentary nature of the child’s wealth backtracked through generations to the misdeeds and formally crown-endowed doings. 

Part of me thirsts for the castigation of Windsor to be stripped of every penny as a penultimate penalty ceasing before prison terms, but not civil lawsuits much like a debt to an overstayed hotel guest refusing to budge.  I imagine many Brits feel the same.  However, as an American I can only ponder.

Hitchens sees the immaturity of such a system as part of the lies we tell our selves.  This is the illusion of safety, of protection by systems that extort populaces into servile complacency with such dastardly institutions of worship.  The hypocrisy of any such self-aggrandized system of government or wealth is too much to stomach, and ultimately an insult to the mind for our primitive base itches.  

Hitchens throughout his writing held up a mirror and requisite duty for people to think for themselves, to choose.  I imagine many of you share my reaction to this child’s birth heralded with kings bearing gifts as ludicrous theater.  I beg of you to see the resemblance of this one cell divided human to every historical weather forecast watched, every traffic accident gawked at, every drive through fast food troth entered, every cigarette cast out a car window, every soda sucked down, every real-house-wife reality discussed and embroiled as at least my life is less tragic, every barrel of carbon-based resource in place of systematic investment in the sun, every subdivided healthcare delivery system sectioning off alcoves of profiteering, every twerking pop-star perpetuating misogynistic encores, every tax credit afforded to pulpits speaking more than acting to the virtuosity of charity and learned investment, every swollen tire-rim rolling like Sisyphus through the ghetto, every tuition billing statement demanding a preponderance of decades for an unemployable knowledge base, every skyline glittering with smog and every snarky piss-ant Republican-Democrat commentary of professing the incompetence of the other when both have played the same ultimate charade of bamboozlement like a clergyman and a mafia don duking it out for mutual profit over the community.

These are the prices of distraction from London to Los Angeles we are paying in sunken treasure.  Read, think, act, do, but dare say to sit idle in indolence is to invite the return of the ideology of monarchy.  Where is the power of such a theoretical king?

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