Monday, July 15, 2013

Lonesome Death Z

Zantzinger and Zimmerman whistling out of courtrooms
Carroll and Martin, Maryland and Florida
North and South, February 1963 to 2012,
Fifty years tacked on four hundred

Eleven children, barmaid, Emerson Hotel, Charles County
Six months in jail and a $500 fine deferred to harvest a tobacco crop
Panel of three judges saw a drunk smack a woman called nigger in the head with a cane
Heart gives out and life bleeds in the backroom like a torrential rain

Seventeen year-old high school student, gated-Sanford, native-American county
Police call fifteen minutes, dead within a mirrored fifteen
Jury of women saw a hoodie and a gun
Stand your ground out in public land like a Seminole without a bow

All the bison are dead, yellow blankets, the cavalry charged with bullets
Civil War heroes blue and gray, cloud the uniform between black and white
Exodus ship, farm pickin’ cotton hoods stitched
Front lawns and executioner’s garb switch
Up the victims and the gunmen until life hangs on the prick

Of death’s stinger strolling through the choice of love and fear
Oh, but you who, what is this here?
Care for your cause trampling sense
For anger and fear are dangerous complements

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something.  
It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about” and
“looking at all the houses.” Exiting the vehicle, closer look
One shot to the chest, “These assholes, they always get away.”

“He’s running.”
The ground moves with the rabble.

What goes through the mind; neighborhood watch
Seven prior non-emergency police calls in the past year
Eight burglaries, nine thefts and one shooting,
Now two at Twin Lakes

Police “We don’t need you to do that.”
But that, 
Twitch in the back of the medulla to kill or be killed swats with the fear
That wills a man to become a cowboy like hunting nukes in Iraq
Camps in Cuba a black/white man keeps open
Scared to let loose what may now be lurking

Penned up men with no formal charges tend to keep hurting
Sane men turn crazed when locked up and force-fed without reason
For the way a nation just happened to be feeling that way without warning
And handed out strongly NSA surveillance on a nation for penalty and repentance

Thoughts of fear are connected when ideas become convictions
To see trouble talking that way on the corner with a fruit drink and skittles
Hands on a cell phone, talking about a man that is following

Shaking candy that fits fear infomercials to sell conceal and carry
To not shake out a victim hustling like a fox after a rabbit with a weapon in a tussle
Grown nervous that this minor the fox has got twenty-seven pounds on and a dozen years
Put fear in his pocket like a shield that just in case can prevail in court
Because there is no better lie to extort than to judge by stereotype insight

That this one is the menace boy in the hood that like any young mammal
Will run away when chased and when encountered close up his paws might end up in your face
Because you cornered him not the other way around
So that adrenaline rush of regret starts to beat during your beat-down

Or did you get out and retreat back in and the rabbit traversed up towards you
Flailing and pounding, the wind of words comes hard like the concrete
Truth and illusion to years under slaves to the blitzkrieg

That nine millimeter pistol in your pocket might be turned against you
Just like the police said, “We don’t need you to do that.”
But that fear bleeds from your head like a choice
So you grab trigger first before he even knows it is in there

Is that what happens when love and fear crawl in your deaf ear?
Eat or be eaten, vigilante justice, standing ground involves running down?
ZZZZZZZ’s made the phone call asleep at his steering wheel
Zombie stalking for a criminal execution without gated-community appeal

Call it a lynching, accident, manslaughter, unfortunate tale
The nation morns more the boy or the verdict prevailed
Not certain that a law could meander this far from right
Colors and tempers flung cold in the plight,

That so many fear the color of night
React, claw back that all we need is the excuse of thoughts
True tragedy of what our humanity as a whole lost

Men on an airplane hijacked a religion
16th Street Baptist burns like a lawn cross
Hooded figure aware of the long-arms of the crow's laws
Chased down by a man who looks almost like the same cost

Latino-whitish man runs from the dark, fear in the mind
A boy standing his ground; thousands of black men in prison CAFO lots
Smear the victim’s and criminal’s tears; all one face as if this land were ever an even place
We all see death in the mirror

Mob mentality in the clearing polarity
Victimization like a name tag for who’s coming to dinner
Statistics and probabilities keep the news trough full with killers
Scintillating headlines race-baiting battle cries

Pamplona red rush in the streets hand us carcass or meet
The conundrum of why is more important than what
Strap Armageddon in media frenzy for a fox turning tail in the hunt
Courts of perception Z selects Hannity the chosen one

To stay fair and balanced for one side of the run
Not race based, but instead on attire
Circumstances of burglaries is tired of the notion
That a man left defenseless is adrift in this American ocean  

Stalker or stalked, was a vision of corn rows under the hood threatening the farm?
An idea like a brushfire tripping all along the watchtower’s alarms
Connecting cops to the dots of devils and saints
None of us are and none of us aint

Homosexual pedophile, black youth gangsta
Jewish greedy Jesus killer, Palestine jihadist bomber
Goes along with white racist

Tie them up and set them to sea
For the guerrilla war of the mind we have waged on ourselves  
Is that the answers are never bathed in vengeance’s simplicity  
We can fight a man’s actions, but not a man’s thoughts

For if we do we only destroy our own to be lost 
Hattie Carroll was struck by a racist drunk
Trayvon would not have died if he did not look a part
Whatever led Zimmerman to choose to get out is car is tied to an idea
Not an action’s reality, for this is the disparity

Between fear on the right and a mob on the left
Ready to kill for a killing been done
Churches been bombed and funeral toll's been rung
So many times for crimes of the mind

Justice is sought and justice is lost
That the unarmed boy did not ask for the accost
Walking and talking if left alone twenty seconds away
From the place his morning’s wake called home

Zimmerman may wish to take back the attack
Put the bullets back in their shells
But the monster that lurks is the fear to be observed
In our gross misconceptions of hell

For there is nothing more pernicious than a virus of assumptions
Spreading our minds to say
That he or they did or will do because the profile fits the blueprint today
Of who usually does what the story told us so many times before

So ask you who, speak in the mirror or children’s bedside say
We are all interconnected, love
Or this is the price we shall pay

Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Bury the rag deep in your face
For now’s the time for your tears

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