Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dealing Escapism

God is the ultimate drug
I don’t do drugs.

Escapism is the true narcotic.
Avoiding one’s existential journey into who and what we are,
Why our volition should elect to subordinate the tyranny of our genes
For collective benefit through an idea

Our selfish nature has planted seeds in our ideologies
And our cellular construction as a two pronged attack
To achieve a Pyrrhic victory from dual flanks
Injuring our nature of community at the short-term benefit
Of leapfrogging our individuality for a mythical biological eternity

If there is a god, we are god, as is each quark in our universe
Matter and antimatter colliding and annihilating each other
Until we persist as the anomalies in a carousel of sabotage
As we were made to pursue an absent dancing partner

Caffeine, fast food, fructose, nicotine, alcohol, imbibe
Viral headlines overdose concern for a singularity tragedy
Court-case soap-operas, collegiate and professional sport armadas
Sailing through newscast buffets of traffic and weather

Coverage of non-substance which could be conveyed in a screen crawl
Is set to a ballet in firework pixels to un-focus our attention
And skip forward time’s record needle

Distraction afoot in the comical decadence of sexual and apathetic laughter
Stinging human skin in an intoxicant of lotus-lethargy in the poppy fields of indifference
We ingest juices of every flower to avoid visualizing the insurrection required
To simply choose love over fear like an impenetrable picket line of volition

Wrapping the universe to what, why and how and just as psychological fortitude approaches
We immolate our ration for notions of deities and religions pantomiming
As the wolf of fear dressed as love
And as such we gleefully enter the belly of our undoing  

Our lives are sugar-coated in such saccharine-epoxy
Spinning yarn of two-party politics which are in actuality a conjoined twin
Sharing a pairing of lungs, blood vessels and a sealed sphincter
Forcing one’s feces to traverse course through an animal
With four legs, a head on each end and a seamless abdomen concealing

The internal processing required to comprehend, that we are this creature
Cackling at our earnest protest and agreement firing bullets and teardrops
In streets, hospitals, temples and bedrooms; we are undulating in a cycle of distraction
We are escaping to probe what is not us, but is

Until the universe propagates a threshold of gravitational force amassing the density
Of an expanding black hole so that the event horizon claws back the stretch run
Of boundless space time into the darkness of an obliterating union
To where no radiation is left for the second law of thermodynamics

And our answer comes in the reverberating silence
Until we realize, this has happened before
The bang, the expansion, the contraction
The questioning, the indolence, the complacency, the escapism, the questioning

We are bound to be collapsing suns you and me
So that the air in our lungs is part of the same hydrogen explosion
Reverberating in the why and how of what we did in this illusion of time we had together
I speak this sweetly upon your pillow so that we may awake

To greater peace, love and interconnection in the morrow
For in this beauty love is the matter that does not cancel out
It is what has been here all this space-time being cloaked under god
Sugar, cigarettes, gasoline, churches, Bentonville Arkansas, and Arabica beans

I wake to breathe you not away, but in transition for there is no exit
Only a tide encompassing the limitless washing over to swell and subside
Allowing time for contemplation and in this window of open-thought
If so we choose to plug into the nothingness of such drug donut-boxes

Sprinkles and caked dough services, we are dealing escapism
To our purpose to our minds, progeny and collective as our haughty genes rejoice
In confounding spoils of a war of mutual defeat

Take your scribble pad, canvas, guitar strings and drum in sentiments resonating
Beyond language, vision, or sound to leapfrog not genetic code but time
So that this idea reverberates so mightily beyond the myopic chorus
Of a bloodline, heaven or perdition so that Olympus becomes an anthill
Of which we are part traveling not by drugged pheromone, but volition

Choose, bravely choose.

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