Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Magician’s Cloak: a fabrication in 4 parts: Part 4

Nah, I can’t play that; call me antitheist
I of water, chromosomes find home
In not a goodness granted, but a volition choosing
Not for a magical tomorrow, but in a reverberating now

Not because I fear the rod, but because like every being
Dignity and morality exist innate  
I never asked permission and I was never saved.
I simply never damned myself to assume beyond my grave

That I had the audacity to claim priority over time
Do or do not there is no try
Yeah, I’ll quote Yoda before Jesus, which one is more real
A Muppet, a computer generated fabrication or a man behind the curtain

Turning a wheel selling fear, fueled by fear, repackaged as love
Nah, not going to buy it; my family’s lie is ending with me
I am lifting my daughter’s head from that stream
Her mare is running unsaddled and free; eating grass from open land

No prepackaged meat; as if that is what her stomach was ever designed to consume
A galaxy, a nebula, our star and our moon; dancing with the others balanced by time
Not by a hand asking for handouts and signs of reverence or thanks for the ability to choose
Honor what we are by not enlisting in the army of the confused

That love had a badge, a uniform or a weapon
That war had to be fought for an election of recognition
That any one group could take away any individual’s power to choose
Volition is emperor no matter the rules

Of some book, espionage scheme, monitor digital presence or the protests in the street
Behind each voice is a choice; agree or disagree and with that
No man in the sky anyone of us may make up could ever compete
For that has been the war from the very beginning; to trump away will from the living

By installing an observer, a kangaroo court in the clouds; to make little children think
Daddy is watching somehow and oh what he’ll do the day time catches up to you
For now we’ll install tyranny in pulpits and call righteousness poverty
And offer tax deductions to fit the builders through the eye of the camel

Wal-Mart, Frito Lay, Monsanto, and HSBC holding Wells far gone conclusion
To the Industrial and Commercial bank of China turning nation into god
And more than one child into creamed toilet flushed sod
To flush agricultural for industrialized ecumenical

We are what we are, however near or far and the answer is in the cancer
Of which magic do you believe that he is like me; so why are you holding on to that?
Farming out fear to fence off a safe habitat
Not too close with that crazy talk or it’ll get mixed up in mine

Pull back the magician’s cloak and this is all he stole
Behind the fabric of traffic intermingled baggage
In crumble-step languages and meandered obtuse angles
The voice of the voiceless is a megaphone from most lips

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