Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Magician’s Cloak: a fabrication in 4 parts: Part 2

 Indulgence controls us to be good for the roles of expectation correction
Poverty appeasement to avoid insurrection,
What were the Jews up to against the Sanhedrin, the Roman’s Uncle Toms
To keep slaves with their masters; Heil Hitler in the Reich twisted cross to the side

Burn the betrayers and bonfire to the creator of master icy veins
To transpose normal and strange; in an exchange that surely had nothing to do with religion
But permission of blame that the problem is not the magician, but the audience’s
Lack of faith, that damn rabbit can’t copulate fast enough, ban birth control in the ranks!

Shift them and squish them into different hat boxes
This one on Saturday, this one on Sunday, this cultural identifier bleeds only on Monday
Tabernacle, ark, covenants and body parts, skeletons grow out of grapes and dough  
Put the blacks in the back and the white’s in the front row; nah go to a different building

Did any European ever picture an African or a Far East Asian in the Bible
A Mesoamerican, an Incan, an Aleutian, a Cherokee on bended knee
And My, Oh My! The West Bank looks like more him than frosted pie
Served up with sugar snow-spun mashuganas

Pilfering ivory trickling dairies of rolling stone symphonies finding the
Verse and chapter quoted spell magic to ward off the reason behind witch-burning season
To become the accuser over the accused; Salem-Sanhedrin and a book full of news
Read the goodness of rams over sons, last minute substitution to see which team has won

World cup drinkith-up flowing over and blowing up
Iron dome missiles and roadblocks, water rights and land grab politics at the dome on the rock
Pent into a corner of why are we different
Making up reasons since before the magician

Cast the spell in the words from father to daughter, mother to son
Turn the tide to reason in the cold usurping denial of the one
Truth of linking culture to god, as if neighborhoods had trump cards
Sand had mystical traces of star-dust behind the casing of science for strangeness

How could a man beat death?
The allure of a carnival act casting out nets.
Salvation, salvation, ejaculation of happiness
Castles in the sky or fiery embattlements

Demons scourging the horses that do not make it around the track
The stranglers or wanderers will see a cat of nine tails cross their backs
One for each commandment that was said not to defy
One love for your neighbor as yourself, inherently disqualified by the other nine

Putting the Lord first, worship in this house, but not that
Marriage is only valid under our allowance and no intercourse if you want heaven intact
Tithe to our clan; honor the parental chain back to the storybooks
In spells rearranged between donkeys to white flying stallions

Impotence has fathered battalions of soldiers with bits in the mouth
Foaming and chomping to roust the devils of doubt
No reason like the seasons of warping out the pagans with fresh holidays
Line up the thinkers and fire the lot in a hail of stone bullets

Slung from naked stocks of body after body preserving the lot
Of an idea that goodness has a name brand, a corporate seal
Exclusivity on salvation and tax deduction poverty
Confusing obedience for kindness and solemnity for dignity

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