Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Magician’s Cloak: a fabrication in 4 parts: Part 3

 Sometimes a revolution is appropriate; a contrarian has a point, but no alternative agenda
Which requires shedding one’s volition, life is not meant wading from raft to raft,
But to swim in the ocean we all evolved from, but water itself becomes entitled property
The biology of our limbs becomes a negotiable asset bought and sold at market

Until the price tag wanders into our minds
So that all we think about is how he got his and how I am going to get mine
And the signs are on every steeple pointing to a mystical quasi-arbiter of justice
Passing verdict on the exchanges we partake with if you abide then you are okay

To have that, to do that, to assume that my goodness will not be taken advantage of
By the wolf in the litter breaking command to murder, to steal, to sow salt on a man’s land
The dustbowl it swells and the people turn to the cloth to swaddle in and be told
That not all is lost, that there will be a day, judgment will come

Where the first shall be last and the last will become
The blessed the loved, the treasured sheep, the analogies blatant
Yet still the Sabbath we keep in whispers of atonement mesmerized in tombs with
Inscriptions and rituals bystanders keep vigil chanting spells to Our Father

Creator of all that either He is powerless, doesn’t care or exist
Pick one for the wall bricked in by generations of horses run through the stall
Saddled and battled and bloodied and shoed, exhausted and accosted for dreaming
The view that ration had a seat at that table, that maybe all we needed was to say

Hey people, the magician is a fake;
A maze of a man we made up in the sky
To pit me against you and entwine him and I
That we think the same so we are ok, but

Not that brother he wore the wrong shoe to the race
Tax him and burn him, and most of all fear
Fear his rituals and motivations unclear
Question his motives and hijacked intentions

Stitch up a flag and start digging the trenches
Don’t know the words to his prayers or see his life as equal
Blade to the infidel and see the devil in his steeple
Pop out in polite politics; get sophisticated with lawyers and blow down his sticks

Masons unload with mortar and stones hurled from tithes from St. Petersburg to Rome
Take away land, sweep the leg, do you understand
A man cannot grow through prison without a gang; baptized in until death do us part
Is part of the game to wear cult symbols round necks and hung over doorways

The language tattoos across foreheads that make man think sideways
Scrub them all off, get back to the nudity of birth; quit slicing off penis halos
And start digging down in the Earth

To see the human DNA from single cell to present day
Of what we are and what we are not; argued for to a peaceful stop

Of the nonsense to see the lions tear the flesh off the gazelles
Avoiding the selfish nature by dubbing it hell
If you break ranks, the collective church will castigate you and your kin
Instead of calling it wrong we scripted it sin

But My, Oh My! Where is the line, where wrong became rite?
Changing Caesar’s coins in the tossed salad by oil light
Burning and keeping watch of how much is left before the hour is naught
Armageddon arrives and Gabriel’s trumpet sounds

The only segregation was made in the pounds of apathy
Strutting around grouping pasture after pasture as this and that sheep
As if the names, the necklaces, the jewelry bedazzled was not a hindrance
Instead of the passport to the flying ascension to cut in line at the end

For a lifetime of penance, counting the hours of kneeling at the mat
The rosary beads felt between fingers, the mediation with a clock and a compass
To set arbitrary direction to one’s conscience as assigned in stone
By some greater than man breathing long ago

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