Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Doldrums’ Parade

Maybe I don’t have it today; the energy is lost
Off distracted pitiful in doldrums of indolence
For a butterfly to pass by or a caterpillar to transmogrify into a beautiful monster

To distort what one had to what one pursued
The language the wind flips traumatic
Despite the banal consequence of bland malignant apathy
Fended off at the gates by lower and lower versions of no

The pipes decay after so many years of water flowing
The chemical tolerance is understandable
That given a year everything ends
Even those found in equilibrium of hunger

Who knows the time we have to finish the meal;
Behind the requiems and valedictories there is nudity on parade
The acid in my gut is swirling, cackling like a miscreant of Wall Street
Betting on undoing at the felicity of profit

That one must descend for another to ascend and this man in traffic
Is routinely run over pondering the benefits of green or red
Black or gray, yes or no, either or, neither nor, love or fear
Awash in inquiries and puzzle piece panoplies

To disguise a not so sheepish boy huddled in the brackish moor
Drudging and succumbed at times such as these
To peer inward and breathe concentrating on the in and out
Wanting a reprieve, pretending the self existed beyond the refraction of a collection

Prick the finger and watch the crimson collect like an ocean unto itself
Peering back kingdoms and dynasties as if we were its creator staring down
Rather than a vessel to swash solace and regret like oars rowing
Not towards a destination but with the flow of time

Because that is the only path we could observe the parade
However mournful, however eaten by the throng

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