Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thoughts on Definitions on Godly Belief Systems from Dawkins and Einstein

Link to Dawkins and Einstein quotes

My thoughts / commentary on the quotes;

I recall several conversations in my life with theists with no readily cognizant nomenclature beyond: Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist.  However limiting such a thinly delineated position tree of various religious persuasions may be, the general definitions between theism as a superstructure overriding all strands of religion to illuminate that there were other options prior to the general election including deism, pantheism, and ultimately atheism is often surpressed. 

You just might be an atheist without realizing it.  It’s ok to say it in the inside.  This is how butterflies get their wings. Experimentation does not equate to perdition.  The opposing logic is akin to that of many homosexual teen suicides.  Not knowing that one had such an option is a sad adult status.  Choosing theism informed with a broader spectrum is all the more satisfying.

I have had people I respect tell me in response to my atheism, “Einstein believed in god.”  I have included quotes from the man to speak for himself in such matters.  As better men than I have expounded previously, god when seen everywhere and defined as everything loses all credence as what traditionally defines god.  So that when a human says, god is energy; god is love; god is the flow; god is the all; god is the universe; these are actually statements of an atheist.  For in turn god has lost all meaning, words have become flappable amorphous mutations appearing like a squeezed salve to caulk every aperture. 

This may be done out of traditional hunger for comfort, an inability to let go of years of practices, but in the end whether recognized later rather than sooner; the underpinning realities were equally valid during the period of belief as in unbelief.

I added these definitions to the blog, because in understanding the logic of semantics and synonymous concepts to define the ultimate universal ambiguity this sort of explicit terminology afforded me the confidence to walk the plank of the boat of theism, then out of the life raft of deism.  I skipped the stage of pantheism realizing quite swiftly that my poetic nature of describing the scientific harmony of the universe was in actuality atheism.  I was happy to acknowledge this as such internally and ultimately externally to my friends and family. 

Each person has their own path, but I find debating internally with specified concepts helped a great deal.  Best wishes on your journey of belief or unbelief.  Peace.   

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