Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hungry Gazelles

How hungry are you? 
Belly be aching like a cannibal gazelle thinking of changing biology
To put flesh in your guts for the novel occasion
Swallow hard for the glittering sensation

Of shards of sinew catching on an esophagus for a menu
To take away what another requires to survive
Entitlement through vengeance, retribution decision
No longer ruminant mammal; thirst is sparked to the fantastical

Idea that one must proceed with what one must to survive
Determining the line based on opportunity through savagery
Genetic compulsion begets tragedy like a violin vibrating strings of tissue
Harmonic, beautiful and bloody-fanged minstrels

Piercing a spot in the system predator and prey that one must exist
To balance the other’s mistakes, false steps and rampaging urge to reproduce
If not counterbalanced then the whole system is abused by the anomalies
Of an alpha where the predator must become his own species

In order to assure the survival of the collective or yet the tiniest of armies
Will assemble in legions of bacterium and viruses aligned to usurp the impending crisis
By tagging on to their biological vehicles as the dominant defend with microscopes
And missiles firing injections and warheads like a two pronged approach of assurance

That the poor shall be pitted against themselves and that diseases exist so that fear
Can be managed across the populace so that death flutters like a cloud of locusts
In the possibilities the gazelles will shift positions to avoid
Prancing jumping higher and higher in front of each other circling towards the center of the herd

In order to present maximum virility and to merge the frail stumbling dolts of crapulent performance
In comparison to the outliers of the gang to be abducted in suitable form by the ghosts
Of the dead fueling the nutritional fortitude of that which is equilibrium in the saliva glands
Of the hunter, knowing that justice is an illusion; there is only leaping and the leapt-over 

The protagonists of markets centralize in an impenetrable nucleus fortified by time itself
Presenting beings as evolved through the currency of gerrymandered manipulated thoughts
Driving the current of circling bodies around them to craft a centripetal force empowering
Those amassed in the apex point of revolution to be made stable by those pushing out the weak

So that the currents of bodies pushing, shoving, grunting in blood work forcing the commotion
To the outskirts and a fantastical mirage of a world can appear to distort hunger in the middle of the pack
For those bellies be not growling for nourishment; as a garden of options is a ubiquitous constant
When one need not even summon the energy to jump higher than the rest, when one is standing
On an apparent mountain in the middle calcified by the bones of the deceased thrust back as immolation

To the gratitude of the masses for the visage of the pillar so in we are made
To elect Kennedy’s, Bush’s and see Princes of England still shine in 2013
My belly be not hungry for I would rather be eaten by the wilds of whatever else be out there
Then be made sacrifice for the avarice of my own kind

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