Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Contrarian Taste Buds

 Even my taste buds are contrarians
I like that about them
As biology and volition are often acrimonious
I live an indulgent peace in the masochistic perceived deprivation

I may appear to endure when such is neither subjugation nor act
Of hardship inflicted, but sublimation of the tongue
To retort societal acquiescence to the allure of sugar
Fuck sweet, give me bitter

Transpose gravity with a notion of dignity
I was born to detest chocolate, icing, cream, whole milk
Mint, butter, caramel, taffy, and cakes
Give me fruit to seed fresh from the tree in moderation

No stuffed face to cloud my mind with transubstantiated confectionary
Bomb the baker!  Protest the yeast!  Riot to the quiet!
Keep ration at the ready and even tip the coffee vats
I neither wish to speed up my week or slow down my weekend

With the deluge of alcohol, I want my mind
Unsolicited and independent of the buffoonery of the happy pause
I want not the respite of contentment
Never, never, never shall rest be acceptable

Until every book of substance has been read
Idea considered shall this being bow to the oceans of indolence  
For I am a star-gazing mother-fucker!
Casting out obscenities and inquiries at comets and nebula

Pulling back the hymen of acceptable topics of conversation
Was that sweet honey to speak at the dinner table?
Ha, Ha you bastard let us bask in the blown up baby parts sucked out of mothers
By terrorist lovers and plantation corporations exploiting poverty’s numbers

I don’t eat what most do, as if in the end it is not simply something I could choose
As if sexuality, height, skin color or hair texture, my taste buds
Gave me the signal to spit out what makes most salivate
I am so happy knowing what I know now to be born this way

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