Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beach of Sunset

I know you are there behind a yoga stretch or a protest placard
I know you are there behind pupils extended into a digital book
Scanning into the shoulders of human time stacking up lessons
Not being ignored

A car parking, brake applied, dress extended and shoes open-toed
And I am gazing across this shore of computer screens and arrested perception
I know you are there breathing a collection of dreams of all the devils chasing me
Trying to murder a man who is long gone dead

I said you were real in a whisper; blow away the maniacal laughter into dust
Twisting across the Texas bowl to Pennsylvania rust
The lessons subscribed are the American land flowing across our feat
I can see you dancing and encouraging me to compete

With the silence of sidewalks to speak up in that moment
After the storm passing and before the flotsam collects to blockade doorways
Like men and women of an insubordinate nature caulking for air seepage
That a set of lungs could hold out no longer and had to inhale something

Specks of regret and participles of a drunkard’s humanity barking at the moon
For the sanity of love’s salvation in a morsel cast from the passing station
As the trains come and go full of souls dying with each pace, closer to the end
Of a stomach aching from all it has consumed in a lifetime of nothing more

Broken and pledged to imbibe the nothingness to cancel out the regrets
That all these facades were never yours and I knew it like a seabird never finding shore
Plummeting to ocean, wings fatigued, exhausted in the motion of carrying on energy to wake
I once saw the cave; I saw you roll the stone; I saw the light behind your silhouette

Welcoming home, like two eyes and time spiraling in
I had our forever and none of it pinned
Under another moment of searching, asking, flying or sailing
The haze was clearing and the pose was made like a lotus flower with footprints in the sand

Two lovers at the beach of sunset peering at all the journey of Odyssey’s beginning

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