Saturday, July 20, 2013

Loving god

Some people say that god is love,
I comprehend the possibility of such a statement (although I find the logic insecure.)
Others travel sideways and say that god is loving.
I cannot entertain the potential or the reality of this statement.

If a deity were to exist, such a being would be self-created
Granting itself all manner of ability and limitation
For an entity to love, the being must be vulnerable
Risk of loss of resource, time, health, opportunity must be in play

For the value of love to be present to constitute the exchange
A loving act is one of selflessness; in some computations the degree of love
Is commensurate with the burden endured by the lover
I can fathom no material detriment, suffering, energy expended, or treasure

Offered, proffered, bestowed, surrendered, acquiesced, stolen, or extracted
By or from a god that would not or could not be replaced by the volition of such a being
In an infinitude or would not consist of presence reallocated in a commensurate balance
With that which was neither departing or entering the god itself, but rather a rearrangement

Resulting in a zero sum argument negating the mandatory variable of offering
Comprising the act of loving beyond even the second law of thermodynamics

God could be the love itself in a gerrymandered perfunctory definition
However in either of these scenarios I can see no function of gratitude
Being applicable

This is as if to say a man should be praised for his genetic height, hair, skin, or in some measure
Even his own intelligence quotient; these being the formulaic result of sexual intercourse
Of his parents, to which when LeBron James answers the announcer of how he won another NBA championship; the true evidence of an interactive god would be if Vern Troyer were on the podium in Mr. James’ stead.

If god were to exist, then I would imagine the sycophantic tomfoolery of worship
Would be most annoying to god and those demanding it as a prerequisite for his grace
Would find their pedantic archaic polemics counterproductive to both the temper of such a deity
And the true purpose and function of our universe operated by such a grand engineer.

The conceptual equity of god to be distributed to the universe’s members
Is even less praise-worthy than a twelve foot man’s capability to dunk a basketball
For a creator had in turn created itself, sparking all iterations of necessity and supply
As a function of itself

The playground market of competition, war, convalescence, economics, particle’s obedience to gravity is all interrelated to the progenitor to which if an anthropomorphized version of such a god
Could look in a mirror would see the solution to and cause of any demand for the act of loving
Instantaneously produced and resolved by the recycling of properties entirely under the domain of itself.

There in the illusion of a human feeling loved by god;
Would be like an abusive spouse breaking a beer bottle over her husband’s skull
And then being thanked for the loving gesture of picking the shards of glass out his hair
For the act of a deity’s care to exist, the act of reciprocal neglect or punishment must also.

I for one attribute such wormholes of convoluted presumptions
To god’s nonexistence and find a preponderance of solace in comparison to the alternative. 

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