Monday, July 22, 2013

Selected Quotes: From, “A Brief History in Time”, by Stephen Hawking

“This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is really the real time, and that what we call real time, and that what we call real time is just a figment of our imaginations.  In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down.  But in imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like.”

End of Chapter 8

“The idea that space and time may form a closed surface without boundary also has profound implications for the role of God in the affairs of the universe.  With the success of scientific theories in describing events, most people have come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the universe to break these laws.  However, the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it started—it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off.  So long as the universe had a beginning we could suppose it had a creator.  But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be.  What place then for a creator?”

In Chapter 9

“To return to the arrow of time, there remains the question: why do we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows point in the same direction?  Or in other words, why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands?  If one believes that the universe will expand and then contract again, as the no boundary proposal seems to imply, this becomes a question of why we should be in the expanding phase rather than the contracting phase.

One can answer this on the basis of the weak anthropic principle.  Conditions in the contracting phase would not be suitable for the existence of intelligent beings who could ask the question: why is disorder increasing in the same direction of time as that in which the universe is expanding?”

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