Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Jars not on Display in America

The menopausal woman held up an image of a twelve week fetus
Computer-enhanced demonstration of limbs, digits formulating organs
As if biology was the question with such debates typically drenched in god

America does not allow such organisms to be preserved in formaldehyde
Like an amphibian, reptile or lesser mammal
However a rodent or dolphin would have produced the same effect

The actual jars would strike the nail in each end of the debate’s coffin
As if this tissue is ever afforded burial outside of miscarriage children being oozed into a bowl
Before the toilet like a saturated crimson banana peel in domestic tear-jerkers

The non-menstruating mother professes, “Explain to me how this is not a person?”
As if like some biblical question was the pertinent crucible for victorious equipoise
Like saying if we are killing people then this must be ceased, as if people are unique
Special to define segregated terms for death rather than mutts in an animal shelter

Who is going to take care of that hound? 
Food, water, excrement remediation; how long is an acceptable burden to the taxpayers?
Is this not the genuine debate?

George Carlin once said,
“Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are the women
you wouldn’t want to fuck anyway?  There is such balance in nature.”

Yes, lady you are correct.  That cellular material is a person. 
However despite your book’s insistence personhood is as enigmatic as dog-hood, sheep-hood, fish-hood, frog-hood, plankton-hood, chimpanzee-hood, fungi-hood, or corn-hood
Certainly pain-receptors are a factor scaling elements of imposed torture

However the crux of death is mutuality shared independent of organism
Death results in the cessation of a partition of genes from riding its vehicle forward in time
Parallel to the law of entropy to escalate the rate of disorder in the universe as our common
Habitat of galaxies expands, circulates, revolves and

This particular group of cells given time would have breathed and probably consumed nutrients
Independently to a greater extent after years of rearing by other humans
Who bear the crux of burden to supply such resources and therefore the volition
To choose whether to encumber their common or segregated current resources

Which may or may not be sufficient to support the additional weight
Given prior offspring, employment, emotional fortitude, stability, time, or dare say delight or horror
As their current station may or may not be of a negative polarity

Nature most often affords such calculations to the presence of the runt
In good seasons of resource the litter is plus the half-ling
As a greater than expected abundance of resources are had to supply the runt’s survival

In bad seasons of resource the litter or parent excludes and later devours the half-ling
So that the cellular material is transferred as resource to better the gene pool
A runt is but a remainder to a mathematical biological division quotient

Parenthetical parental words, “Sorry honey your mother and I cannot afford to send you to college,
we had to pay to abort your younger brother and that was $100,000?”

Nah, that was the heart ache to look you in the eye unspoken of we choose not to speak
At the dinner table for the $200,000 to get a kid from birth to college in America,
Because she and/or we felt it was best for our family

This secret ideology of personhood is like demanding a saddle
For a human to be able to ride a horse; although commonly applied
Such an appliance is not mandatory to accomplish the task of exploiting
Another life form for our rationalized purposes

Abortion is a murderous act; both sides should imbibe such sterile syrup
Yet the debate is the imposition of rights
Whereby the victim is also the judge, executioner, and defendant
For the fetus and the parents are entwined in such carriages

Live with that trial of heart and come back and sit with your protest placard
As if there was a celebration showering afterwards

Stare down beady judgment with god at your back rather than an impossible empathy
Flowing out your spittle like castigation of welfare families checking out in the grocery line
Clothing pasted in perilous turnstiles of wombs like paycheck incubators for taxpayer assistance
Or a flock’s expansion in Dublin or Calcutta 
Like mini-expanding canine boarding houses to rear child after father-flown child or child-weeping father

So your placard flames both ends of this equation in equilibrium of the nation
Chastising the extremes of science and economics using god as a foundation
As if the standard measures held your left and right hands in check
Get your crucifix out of vaginas; there is something sacrilegious in your protest

Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than it performs
Abstinence unmitigated produces more abortions, sham-marriages, abused spouses, ignored children, busted bank accounts, derailed educations, and yes probably church-goers

Enough, enough, enough; there is already enough vomit in the parking lot
I can’t take this rancor; like gay marriage, alcohol and marijuana prohibition
Racial segregation, and women’s suffrage; this debate has been decided
The laws were made or will be given consciousness;

The side of right was always there
Whether people chose to recognize it staring at them from jars or not
However ugly or beautiful part of living means peering into the eyes of death

For we are killers to sustain ourselves, we ingest the nutrients of others
We convert the energy of the universe to sustain in a grand zero sum
Own reality or fantasy;

No matter how much one wishes something to exist
This does not make it so; 
No matter how much one wishes to revert the current of time
No mass can exceed the speed of light

For to do so usurps existence and the entropy of the universe
We may fantasize to jump through wormholes, however surviving is impractical
Unless that dumpster tissue were cast behind the event horizon
The radiation inevitably expelled will join our carcasses at the close

The grand crunch to be done again
So be unhung in protests; the people in that building handing out prophylactics
Go help them rather than blockade the entrance
For your self-defeatism is obvious to everyone but you

Yet even then this inevitability will permeate the countryside
The debate will be had not in courtrooms, but in the answers in the minds
Of mothers and fathers raising hands of ownership to volition

Like a soldier pulling a trigger on an insurgent in Kandahar or New Orleans
Bodies drop the same, flag or not
CAFO lot in Nebraska or lobster trap in Maine
Death is relative; life requires a cyclical tyranny

Mask the burden into segregated curios
Watch the menagerie dance in glittering rationalities
Drink death; shut the fuck up with judgment about others in lines
This was always about tax deductions, balls of money of this would-never-be-me whitewash

Attempting to convince yourself that you are something other than
A breathing time machine surviving on death,

Oh-my appalled opining scrotums of shit dangling participles about what life is
Life is a damn bit more difficult than such oversimplification
As if people could ever be put in jars with a label and be adequately explained

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