Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Only True Conflict

The only true conflict is between our biology and our psychology
For any friction, dilemma, or drive towards continuance or extermination
Can be brought to the reaction and counter reactions of these magnetizing forces

It is the nature of life’s evolution so that when a universe expands
Ultimately that universe retracts 

The bang out through Planck time, drifting into the instability of energy
Produces mass in time aggregating into atoms arranging by elemental dissonance
Chasing harmony empowered by strife

The opposition of proton to electron and intermediary neutrons
Are watching each other like grand strategists inside the decision making properties
Of all life catapulted in attraction to the most advanced arrangement

For biology is the expansion of the galaxies, nebula, planets, moons and stars
Breathing outward in an exhale like a sail of solar winds passing in currents
Across the cosmos sparking in miniature apertures of cellular wars
Pierced by the formulaic necessities comingling

Whether it be biological life based in carbon, silicon, helium, sulfur
Or an estranged citizen of the periodic yet unknown to man,

Genes are voting districts stabbing, conniving, aligning and conspiring
To persevere through the natural battlefields of death’s stinger
Jumping ship through engineered means off the fragility of a body conducting respiration

A body’s blood cells are its covert terrorists biding time to set the explosive in the tower
And fly out the windows into a sky of shattered glass parading offspring through the sidewalks
Of metropolises and wheat fields, knowing if let unabated the only limitation on such expansion
Is its planet, ecosystem and its faint grasps at capturing cosmology as a weapon

To leap across yet another border, destroy, conquer, aspire, and beat down another world
For biological life’s consumption

The genes of one planet computing its constriction
Will seek the destruction of unaligned potential profiteers in order for greater access
However, the true combatant is in the mind

Thoughts, learning, and extension of the truly immortal science of know-how
Pass in the flame lit intellect of an evolved biological species capable of recognition
Of what we are doing and if left to our devices
Therein sparks the one true conflict

Our ideas are the contraction of the universe, the grand inhalation
Concerned not for the death of a species, but in fact if left in perspicuity meditation

We find that the universal fleeting shrink of what we have left to do dancing on time
Allows for only, but a glimpse reachable by physical extension, but
Ideas have ecumenical power, beautiful and perilous

Thoughts can contrive a nation in frothing blood-thirst or hold sentiments of peace
Linked by individual volition like a picket line of arms wrapped in arms
Standing in mental clarity that what each chooses is more powerful than any scripted god

For one must slay the dragon of procreation’s absolute biological demand
In order to attain the independent will to see another him or her as brother and sister
Despite not meeting the official definitions of any measure but that of mortality

Every cell alien or domestic, plant or animal is writhing in hunger to propagate
Yet the minds of complex-life in possession of recognition of this danger
Have a responsibility to the collective to mitigate the speed of the vehicle

Time will arrive at a function where this universe, as others our energy have been part of prior,
Will retract back into a maximum density where the laws of known physics bend  
Enveloping this universe inside itself and possibly expanding out into another iteration
Leaving all traces of genes and ideas behind for a sole reciprocal remnant mimicking our genesis

Where all that we are is compacted into a singularity that begs our extinguished
Biology and psychology to look at each other at that last stare-down valedictory

As the final smidge of life expires on the terminal planet to hold biological life
Let that complex-being know that the ideas in its mind had the longest stretch
Of existential knowledge contemplated to hold peace, love and interconnection

Bearing witness that minds are the breaks of bodies slowing our evolution
To recognition of a semblance of life’s purpose of existence

For if there is one, it is this polarity of north and south, of proton to electron
In inevitable accordion musicality of the cosmos streaking not to pilot an escape pod
But to smile in one harmonic smile stacked in keys of genealogy and shouldered-thoughts

At what the collective has grown before the forest-fire-like solar burnouts,
The gravitational gaps of entire systems, and the claw-back seizes our spot in time
Like water circling down a drain tells all we ever needed to know

That in reckoning, if one universe could be judged against another
The determining variable would be this pinnacle of balance held in teetering crafted
Equilibrium for the greatest length of time in proportion to the percentage of life

Between biology’s steady speed leaving not its preponderance feckless under the gavel
Of psychology’s selfish nature to immolate life’s foundation for the benefit of its empowered,
And the detriment of its under-class

But instead to hold cognizant the roots of its interdependence weighing both
Life’s mortality and haughty avarice to achieve the intellectual capacity to create a nuclear bomb
In a pittance mimic of a star and ascend to god-status by choosing not to use it

For the creation of such weapons was and is inevitable, the use of such judgment is optional
So in life sits in the balance organic and conceptual in constant conflict
Playing out cycles which have been carried out in universes before this one and so forth
In universes after, so in this game is nothing novel, but yet the crux

For in how we each see ourselves, our neighbors, allies and enemies in this stance
Weighing our biology in one palm and our psychology in the other
We can smash our hands together and crush ourselves
Or interlock arms and hold each ideal in balance as long as possible

Like a breath, there must be an exhale and an inhale
Subconscious and conscious, for the egg came before the man
We must choose in duality like half chromosomes from a father and mother
To craft life as whole single blueprint cell

With every luxurious measure of time this universe holds left for our blip of life  
We elect or not to stand in that linked chain of volition
Married by the bond of all marriages, love
Only in this are we truly alive

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