Friday, July 26, 2013

The Economy in a Single Page

The ecology of the global economy under the dominant predator of global capitalism gravitates to the engorgement of behemoths and to the shrinkage of ruminant mammals into an inevitable expanding ocean of krill.  (The behemoths are the top-percenters bearing eighty percent of the wealth.  The ruminant mammals are the middle class clinging to three to twenty percent of the wealth.  The krill have the bottom two percent of wealth.)  [We are interdependent animals choosing this.]

The gargantuan omnivores balance the extinction of feeder systems and raw materials with their fear, mistrust, and outpacing of each other.  The top-two wealth-percent’s hunger, mafia-like systems of opportune cooperation, and focus on short-term extractions over long-term perpetuation leads to externalizing potential expenses and public-costs wherever possible, shifting from ally to enemy at Machiavellian-convenience, and an escalation of the time at which the Earth will be uninhabitable for humanity.

In the advent of expanding digital technologies global behemoths have become an amorphous organism of an Odysseus-like ship perpetually at sea with treasure-chested reported-profits to avoid a taxing nexus where only one may survive without multinational mutual assurance to the market .  This is of paramount example in the United States.  The cycles of taxes are like tidal-tithes permitting the global economy to breathe. 

Taxes represent the counterbalance to the behemoths genetically engineered compulsion to externalize every potential cost created from their operations including: paying unlivable wages straining poverty mitigation systems supported by taxpayers, excluding as many employees as possible from healthcare coverage to combust the public healthcare systems, promoting synthetic food products that do not encompass the long-term health consequences inside the profit-equation of products, and assuring an escalating virus of dependence which enlarges both the State and the behemoths.  As the State is the largest of the behemoths disguised like Emperor Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith.

The ruminant animals and the krill are encouraged to constantly feed.  The act of eating pumps the blood of the behemoths.  The bottom ninety-eight percent churns the mill’s wheel through a perception of necessary commerce.  Behemoths ensure the basic needs of the underlings are left in a state of disrepair: health, education, public safety, nutrition, and housing.  This is disguised under the allure of shiny crap no one really needs appearing tantalizingly indulgent.  The juxtaposition of want and need is entwined so that the base needs appear unreachable and the drug-like quick-fix of commercial want is at the ready. 

The animals could be left to graze.  There is plenty enough land for everyone, but the land is fenced and squeezed so that the krill and the hoofed-ones begin to blame, splinter and see the other as the cause of the restriction.  The pool of resources available to the two parties shrinks as the behemoths expand. 

Woody Guthrie once sang, “Some will rob you with a six-gun.  Some with a fountain pen.”  Financial markets are now more concerned with direction rather than magnitude.  The idea of value is not measured in a consistent profit, but in out-betting a combatant trader to extract a buy and sell price margin inside digital algorithms.  How a company gets the price to change is negligible.  The trade is what is crucial.  It creates a market profit-opportunity to the financial sector like a vig, which wins in either iteration.  In 2008, like 1929, we saw the effect of externalizing housing market-risk to the public.  Mass larceny with ‘fountain pens” ensued.  “You will never see an outlaw drive a family from their home.”

The Republicans and Democrats hurl political cannonballs at each other from their ships missing intentionally.  The mutual goal is stasis, while conjuring accomplishment to the public.  Seats change.  The game is still duck, duck, pay the goose.  A digital proxy voting system could functionally usurp the legislative bodies, end lifetime candidates and the tyranny of incumbency at every level of government.

Raise minimum wage and only allow defined-contribution plans in any form of government.  Decriminalize and regulate marijuana and cocaine.  Demand single-payer healthcare, a national smart-grid, and a national digital-education infrastructure to reduce overlap.  This aligns public and private entity priorities.  Dependence equates to slavery making the middle class into krill.  

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