Monday, July 29, 2013

Diminutive Cuts, Smoldering Candles

I stare at an empty binder clip, metal prongs bent back
Kinetic energy pressed awaiting the black plastic maw
To pinch printed importance
Between the scanned images, peeked then shredded

Store the view for the proper allocation of seconds
To view again followed by descent into the labyrinth
Of electronic folder cabinets for a reusable appliance 
To watch like a proud progenitor accustomed with release

I held a family once; the footprint canister is on my desk
I glance at the skewed printed letters of my daughter’s nine
Character name completing as many years this past weekend
My mother gave her a book with an assigned task by the publishing company

To several of the intermixed pages; one requested, draw your family
A girl holding hands with, a woman, and a man in a triad words,
Daddy that is you; she feels the need to specify, I know why
She says to draw more gets complicated; she likes the idea of three

Moments stack like shattered glass found in sandwiches
Years later a man attempts to eat innocuously, I keep finding shards in my meals
The familiar slice across tongue flesh, cells bent upward to press the tip to the palate
A tributary splits seeping blood, saliva coats futile and morose

A dead interloper zombie-hobo-bead stashed in a sensorial subcomponent
Extends its neck to cackle silently, the vapid cheeks and carved out eye sockets
Mirror in an image of an impression that this experience is a bizarre reflection
Of time tangent in a prior garden of forking volition and now segregated 

With the exception of these bits of shrapnel like marital kidney stones
Showing up in shrimp pasta or red beans or storybooks and stuffed animals
Birthday candles lit with cindering melting texture of skin coagulated into fluid
Hot welded metal and formed commercial plastic

Once a tool to hold this child and now off
Into this replay dancing to be looked back in computers
Everything printed is in boxes as the realtors keep coming like Odysseus and the winds
I called the Cyclops love and the anger curses in my illusions of sustenance

Home has a taste like love and this tongue is stigmata of senselessness
The buds are pruned and reminded in cycles of ignominy and torpid despondency
To truncate growth as the season is not prepared the link-shackles are still too frequent
Brushing taste, scraping molars and bicuspids with the urge to chew
Like battling a reflex action like resisting submission to a hiccup  

The spasm is calling like a howl to a lycanthrope to transform into a being recollecting emotions
Castigated into the street taverns of inebriated lunacy
Oh love like moonlight’s flickering flavor I was born to stream your smack!
Placebo sold like baby powder in a baggie tingling, temporary, and tenacious!

The nights beckon me to foolish recycling that men were not victims of hunger
Twenty-two years and the siren leeches a craggy suction
The mountain crumbles in human weakness to be re-imbibed
Like unction of debilitating forgetfulness, as there is no hope of washing the thoughts

Only of wearing down the holder of the memories one grain at a time
Until the lobotomy for the numb-callus is completed; the stabbing shred appears
As cotton-noodle, silken-rice, and velvet-bone digestible
So that a body can let go of the blacksmith’s replicating form to see the mutable

Appearing in the watering waistlines trickling in foreign lands
For Penelope has taken bed long ago knowing she set her husband to war
Praying for his tardiness drifting into a foggy grip of voices
That these moon-lit conversations were acceptance twisting like wrought devices

Used once to grip a man, now to release him into a pasture of his demons
So that when he is devoured the cause is so distant from the monster’s jaws
The flesh in the teeth can look like cud-suicide
Gnashed melancholy spew sprinkled with dashed time so that all one could ever

Use to connect the two parties could be pearls of shrapnel ideas
That were truly only ever known by the duo, and now one is deceased and the other buried
So that the third never is allowed to taste the amuse bouche resting
Like a lost recipe in the mind of a madman, Howl!!!Wofly, howl!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Economy in a Single Page

The ecology of the global economy under the dominant predator of global capitalism gravitates to the engorgement of behemoths and to the shrinkage of ruminant mammals into an inevitable expanding ocean of krill.  (The behemoths are the top-percenters bearing eighty percent of the wealth.  The ruminant mammals are the middle class clinging to three to twenty percent of the wealth.  The krill have the bottom two percent of wealth.)  [We are interdependent animals choosing this.]

The gargantuan omnivores balance the extinction of feeder systems and raw materials with their fear, mistrust, and outpacing of each other.  The top-two wealth-percent’s hunger, mafia-like systems of opportune cooperation, and focus on short-term extractions over long-term perpetuation leads to externalizing potential expenses and public-costs wherever possible, shifting from ally to enemy at Machiavellian-convenience, and an escalation of the time at which the Earth will be uninhabitable for humanity.

In the advent of expanding digital technologies global behemoths have become an amorphous organism of an Odysseus-like ship perpetually at sea with treasure-chested reported-profits to avoid a taxing nexus where only one may survive without multinational mutual assurance to the market .  This is of paramount example in the United States.  The cycles of taxes are like tidal-tithes permitting the global economy to breathe. 

Taxes represent the counterbalance to the behemoths genetically engineered compulsion to externalize every potential cost created from their operations including: paying unlivable wages straining poverty mitigation systems supported by taxpayers, excluding as many employees as possible from healthcare coverage to combust the public healthcare systems, promoting synthetic food products that do not encompass the long-term health consequences inside the profit-equation of products, and assuring an escalating virus of dependence which enlarges both the State and the behemoths.  As the State is the largest of the behemoths disguised like Emperor Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith.

The ruminant animals and the krill are encouraged to constantly feed.  The act of eating pumps the blood of the behemoths.  The bottom ninety-eight percent churns the mill’s wheel through a perception of necessary commerce.  Behemoths ensure the basic needs of the underlings are left in a state of disrepair: health, education, public safety, nutrition, and housing.  This is disguised under the allure of shiny crap no one really needs appearing tantalizingly indulgent.  The juxtaposition of want and need is entwined so that the base needs appear unreachable and the drug-like quick-fix of commercial want is at the ready. 

The animals could be left to graze.  There is plenty enough land for everyone, but the land is fenced and squeezed so that the krill and the hoofed-ones begin to blame, splinter and see the other as the cause of the restriction.  The pool of resources available to the two parties shrinks as the behemoths expand. 

Woody Guthrie once sang, “Some will rob you with a six-gun.  Some with a fountain pen.”  Financial markets are now more concerned with direction rather than magnitude.  The idea of value is not measured in a consistent profit, but in out-betting a combatant trader to extract a buy and sell price margin inside digital algorithms.  How a company gets the price to change is negligible.  The trade is what is crucial.  It creates a market profit-opportunity to the financial sector like a vig, which wins in either iteration.  In 2008, like 1929, we saw the effect of externalizing housing market-risk to the public.  Mass larceny with ‘fountain pens” ensued.  “You will never see an outlaw drive a family from their home.”

The Republicans and Democrats hurl political cannonballs at each other from their ships missing intentionally.  The mutual goal is stasis, while conjuring accomplishment to the public.  Seats change.  The game is still duck, duck, pay the goose.  A digital proxy voting system could functionally usurp the legislative bodies, end lifetime candidates and the tyranny of incumbency at every level of government.

Raise minimum wage and only allow defined-contribution plans in any form of government.  Decriminalize and regulate marijuana and cocaine.  Demand single-payer healthcare, a national smart-grid, and a national digital-education infrastructure to reduce overlap.  This aligns public and private entity priorities.  Dependence equates to slavery making the middle class into krill.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thoughts on Definitions on Godly Belief Systems from Dawkins and Einstein

Link to Dawkins and Einstein quotes

My thoughts / commentary on the quotes;

I recall several conversations in my life with theists with no readily cognizant nomenclature beyond: Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist.  However limiting such a thinly delineated position tree of various religious persuasions may be, the general definitions between theism as a superstructure overriding all strands of religion to illuminate that there were other options prior to the general election including deism, pantheism, and ultimately atheism is often surpressed. 

You just might be an atheist without realizing it.  It’s ok to say it in the inside.  This is how butterflies get their wings. Experimentation does not equate to perdition.  The opposing logic is akin to that of many homosexual teen suicides.  Not knowing that one had such an option is a sad adult status.  Choosing theism informed with a broader spectrum is all the more satisfying.

I have had people I respect tell me in response to my atheism, “Einstein believed in god.”  I have included quotes from the man to speak for himself in such matters.  As better men than I have expounded previously, god when seen everywhere and defined as everything loses all credence as what traditionally defines god.  So that when a human says, god is energy; god is love; god is the flow; god is the all; god is the universe; these are actually statements of an atheist.  For in turn god has lost all meaning, words have become flappable amorphous mutations appearing like a squeezed salve to caulk every aperture. 

This may be done out of traditional hunger for comfort, an inability to let go of years of practices, but in the end whether recognized later rather than sooner; the underpinning realities were equally valid during the period of belief as in unbelief.

I added these definitions to the blog, because in understanding the logic of semantics and synonymous concepts to define the ultimate universal ambiguity this sort of explicit terminology afforded me the confidence to walk the plank of the boat of theism, then out of the life raft of deism.  I skipped the stage of pantheism realizing quite swiftly that my poetic nature of describing the scientific harmony of the universe was in actuality atheism.  I was happy to acknowledge this as such internally and ultimately externally to my friends and family. 

Each person has their own path, but I find debating internally with specified concepts helped a great deal.  Best wishes on your journey of belief or unbelief.  Peace.