Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Great Evil

Never has there been a more vile rancorous sublimation of man’s free will!
Religion, the slavery of a pacified mind yoked to plow and sword
Pilfering purse strings with the audacity to see this thievery as pleasure to God
Israel and Palestine such mirrored beings of spitting gargoyles mortared to tents! 

This tent for Abraham, this tent for Mohammed, this tent for shush, shush his name
Only in Spanish accents can we dare dub ourselves after the great non-adulterous general; the man of un-kinked Hasidic hairlines, the un-bloody vaginal shoot!
The blood oh ye vampires of lore! 
Give me Zeus and I will find just as credible an argument! 

Climate change the world, preposterous science in category of debate
My book has no mention of this is how thou shall morph
The ice, the carbon, the heat, the storms, the winds, the point of non-return
As if the hand will come to reckon or save; fear not rapture, the quake can partition  

Vibrations by moral authority; the lumber severed from frame to fling by gust
Will club the idolaters in the skull cramming that meteorology into submission
To my God is bigger, stronger, authoritarian and all the more virile!
I claim immunity based on infallibility for what my ancestors taught my ancestors
Who taught my ancestors was sound; credible and worthy of this tax deduction! 

I hereby obtain the will to slay thou with vengeance!
What say you sir, pews of peace, prayers, good will, thou hast entered no war?
What then is this dollar?  What then is this pound?  What then is this payment upstream?
This time donated to the apothecary of complacent bigotry to claim spiritual trump? 

To say one knows the will of God and it be this set of plans and parchment
Interrupted to exclude, Oh “All are welcome,” that is your psalm your refrain sung from choir lofts, bedazzled balconies and pulpits of gilded speech
A pox, a pox upon any house that dare scribble an answer, a specific solution to beguile sheep as children and shuffle them to the slaughter of considerate meandered thought 

Of white, black, yellow, crystal churches all aflame with the spirit of goodness!
So much goodness to pour into streets with crucifixes like men with nooses gone hunting
Modern crusades to go beastly about Mosques built within bomb zones
Wanting an enemy to be detailed outlined for the xenophobes to go to sleep at night  

To pray for on weekends like God gives mind what rotation a planet has made in its revolution around a sphere of gas perpetually exploding until one day not, yet before the expiration these oceans will flood, not like Noah, but like BP, drilled up and man made
And some survivor somewhere, will get God involved again, write it down and blame will be incorrectly allocated; to make stories about animals marching!  

The remaining will beat this into the brains of offspring as grand enlightenment
For the bottles in the sand will melt, the wind shall rattle the foundations of every building, but those of holy sanctuary for one knows who watches and
He shall provide!  To let us set battle to those who have caused this day, we will find them and ravage the sides, pilfer the coffers of combatants with their uranium, as death cans, retaining the white cake and destroying their horrid yellow! 

And he oh he, oh we, oh we agnostic theists all dare we be to claim the classic cosmological argument without the sword of demand, the blade to partake in the certainty of defining faith as concerted action the beginning of which is to proclaim an insecurity in a deity to necessitate the horrid act of worship 

Worship, bowing to what all this time? requesting, whispering and demanding that
He obey you, that He need you, that He be so tiny in contemplation that this song, these formation of syllables was pleasing Him when in fact it was a narcissistic praxis towards reinforcing one’s need to be right for what dare you say if thou were wrong? 

God need not prove a damn thing as clear, the very claim that He is in any way human sent offspring for slaughter, laughable war at whom with what, but our own arrogance to need such mutilation.  We tell tales of sheep and lambs bloody on concrete with reverent praise in books and do the same with a man on lumber; and yet if one soul were to do this in the streets today we dub him insane as a man speaking into a mushroom; take away the mushroom and it is the self-soothing of prayer!   

Pray, pray, speak, but realize the journey is internal into you; the He to which ye speak is innate to all beings in unison, requesting a partitioned partiality is limited to one’s deeds reflecting onto the other, which is burrowing consequence and reverberation into one’s self.  To define is to limit and ignore the magnanimous by the constraints of ego.  

All religions had a deadline for registration named video tape; no more to start,
but how do we rid our planet of these vile diseases? 

Oh what be it of a world willing to drop all these parlor games!
Every practicum of idiocy: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Communism, Buddhism unfolding into the night taboo after taboo instigating blasphemy on course!
What be it if every choice was made to set aside these cults for the simple embrace
Of love! 

What be you without your Lamb to cuddle, without the name or the manger or the story lines; what be Israel’s march into Gaza or Mohammad Atta into New York?
What be the sphincters of altar servers? What be the hours of praise turned to service? 

Need not this segregation this act of conversion of proving that there is a myth about this goodness and allow the skin of all of these practicums to sit honesty naked for what attracted you to them at the impetus of choosing at your assumed maturity?  

Ah, the removal of this yoke is so lonely, for in slavery the company was an infinitude!
What shall thou do with arms, with tongue without a box to meander?
What does one do on weekends and when does one begin to see that actions unbound open the mind to wander into the recognition that these emperors were but fallow Earth! 

Fertile is the crescent of the mind in that God is rooted to each and every akin and alike
Beyond the reach of their gilded ring fingers clawing at the inscription upon forehead after forehead from birth they will claim you at auction in their waters; be free now to drink; drink born anew absent the fear and enveloped in love 

Go about these respirations to be at peace in that goodness is unbranded, unfiltered like ground water, that I to you and you to I interact and in that choice is the everything of intent or worry that thou ever shall need concern; for in only this do we see His face in every iteration color, remaining creed or iteration we are but one to that we do in the damaging or loving name of supposition we do onto ourselves  

In this the folly justice of assumed recompense, of allocation and reconciliation comes due in the act itself, for what are we but the accumulation of dust in other graveyards piloting a volition; without the freedom of that election we are but dust waiting to be dust, damning grain into wind; blown about into nutrient or poison fed into ourselves to produce fruit or rot into the collective orchard. 

What need of you of your emperor to be love?

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