Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Moss Covered Statues

Moss Covered Statues 

I was beautiful once
Like a statuesque man of chiseled flesh capable
Of simultaneous  

Stalwart reliance the way
A woman attempts to round the circumference of a bicep
And that gap in her fingers created by the diameter
Steadies her stance when affronted by street mongrels and
Tempests of subconscious doubt 


Emotional malleability to contort my heart into the shape of a bowl
To hold words in a soup of concern, love, joy, contemplation and comparison
As a vessel of listening empathy, silent for the devil of prospered solutions
Confidant that she was speaking simply to be heard
Recycle the broth of her day and re-intake like ventilated air
Knowing the difference between a heart and beige painted sheetrock

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