Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flag Stitches

Flag Stitches 

Clinton, Gore, Bush, McCain, Obama
Demarcations of hues on a flag segregating the white stitching
Damocles-swing selections tied to the whys of a rooted vote
Maxillofacial dental-implants necessitate endodontic extraction  

Medieval metallic tools are required to rationalize altering
Why one is of this colored cloth versus that
Damnation over purple, as if the choice were Mohammed or Christ
How dare you think of erecting that building there! 

Aborted fetus zombies will unite in an undead-horde to quell
Such blasphemous insult to this one nation under God
The eye in the pyramid on our money looks out like Sauron upon thee!
New World Order, the Great Seal, shall encompass the out of many, one 

The jet fuel checked party affiliations and tithe reports on a story by story basis
Before descending the burn, those on the same side of the hijackers
Magically transformed into suicide bombers, rather than coworkers
Firemen’s faith-boxes were checked at the door of the rubble 

Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Cuba, Vietnam
England, Italy, Germany, U.S.S.R., Venezuela, Mexican-drug war,
Hyperbole, dancing dots, economies, military industrial complex
Changing our state of perception entails surgery 

I was once married to a Republican, in turn her family, so I became one
Yet I was socially liberal, fiscally conservative I bumper-stickered myself
I still am, only my party has left me, along with my wife, as in my party does not exist 

Where is the party of Lincoln, of rational ideologies involving math
The Republicans were supposed to be the baseline the check and balance on spending
Only at some point the party I could once relate to got bought out by corporations
Sheldon Adelson as the Emperor and Grover Norquist as his Vader 

Venetian Resort and Casino twenty-plus Billion, $30 million is but a drop of piss
From a wrinkled geriatric urethra to spend on 2012 red campaigns
Citizens-United in a rebel-alliance to recall who actually votes
Neilson ratings, a W-2, a pew, NASCAR, a chromosome, a skin-tone, a road home 

Broken levee hurricanes, let us drown, Sandy Noreaster, Do you still feel the same?
High horse dance dressage, car elevator stand-alone garage
Pimp wars on a Visa card, illegal immigrants Chicano’s voluntary discharge
Obsession over rape, because the hypocrisy is crimson-close to a theocratic state   

That someone needs turnout to get elected, for a fetus has priority over the breeders
Don’t want government anywhere, but as a police-state blockade to guard uteruses from their business-operators, I thought you loved entrepreneurs, owners;
What is this limiting product-sales and access to freedom? 

Obsessed with the blood and the books, the dogmatic crux of the crooks with the cross
All the time lost in the assumption of which God we are under, preferences run asunder
To the whole reason our America was formed, with free-arms to defend
Go now pretend the hypocrisy is not dripping from your bubble-mouth  

Like a vampire licking blood from the chalice of how
The American Tea-Party is affixed to theocracy akin to Sayyed Ali Khamenei
Supreme leader, Grover Norquist come see me
U.S. Taliban, Mr. Adelson who wants to go to war with Iran? 

Balanced budgets, fiscal conservatism,
Revenue and expenses are both part of the equation
Ask where is the money? 
Find any rational statistic of after-tax income growth percentages 

Top-one percent, measured in hundreds, Bottom-three-fifths pittances turned feckless
Why Oh. Why, mathematics twisting the insides of how a machine can replace hands
In one country and take advantage of equivalent-slave labor in another
And cast the thirty-pieces of silver into a holding corporation  

Mobility, possibility, stalactite-wealth solidity
Obstructed bowel economy and the only laxative involves scowls
From the naked Emperors: Adelson, Johnson, Rakolta, Singer
Contributions for Ad-time to craft a nation incapable  

Of wiping its own ass when it shits, not because we are out of toilet paper,
But because we eat the excrement instead
The feces elevates from a volcano erupting cotton-candy horrid lies,
Confected spun-sugar aloft in the sky  

Converting the cult of Dale Earnhardt to see manna from Jesus
To see the Bible in a tax break for a one-percent-er as credence
To a mantra of self-sufficiency; as I got mine, go get yours
What Christ is that?  That faith J.C. would abjure. 

To vote against ones self-interest is a very crafty thing
To see it done one must utilize the armaments dearest to one’s heart strings
So we see troops and flags, national defense, birthed babies and bombs
Where’s your yellow ribbon you communist, with your bong? 

We got to war with drugs as if chemical dependency is a hippie hold-over
Public safety budgets balloon and hospitals close
$10,000 in Colombia goes to $30,000 in Juarez, and $80,000 in Chicago
Poor stays poor, and we keep on Nixon’s drug war 

Nobody can call out a spade a spade, Democrats/Republicans
Combating addiction with bullets of stubbornness 

We get the Bible on a pedestal, hold God like a candle
Catch the South in a church pew, hold them red like muscle sinew
To swing the axe in Congress, sixty-filibuster majority Senate wrongs us
Inaction distraction to split the nation into factions  

Seven-percent approval rating, who wants the nation in the tank?
Oust Obama out keep the upper-tax bracket differential in the bank
Think you are the same, check your own account
Who is denying health care, and who rides with the mathematics of recent history? 

Check a macroeconomic growth curve amongst strata based on civilities
Of facts, of humans, of what we do for careers, of debts for education
To simply persevere to a reasonable job, a purpose; or align with the mob
Hold your gun, hold your fear in an Obama cliché to endear 

A notion from a volcano of bullshit that the blue-man
Is going to take away your fire-arm, the one the second amendment
Grants to prevent government takeover of your soybean farm
Take your agricultural tax subsidy to the root of that plant  

Examine the fertilizer, the soil, and the nutrients
What has been put back, the nitrates, the phosphorous,
The dollars disseminated back to us
The land is dust-bowling mono-crop cotton-candy extolling 

Why is it more expensive for a family farmer to sell me broccoli
Then for a fully-processed Big-Mac?
Health on a back-seat to a drive through and kick back
Media campaigns marketing healthcare through Big-Pharma SuperPacs 

I say this, because I once saw through the same lens
I was with a family of hardened working men, with hammers
Rush ranting from pickup truck radios at lunch time
Hannity, Beck and Friends over dinner when I lived inside the den 

I saw the judgments, the island, the but I am right entitlement
Liberty, Freedom, cheers of the green glow over Baghdad
Aircraft carriers and Country music wonderland
Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and tithes from social security income to get into heaven 

I have seen the devils of being on the inside ACORN from auditing it
The fiscal waste and the idolatry of ripping the system with a blue knife
I have seen union pensions bursting California, Illinois and the war of GASB 54
I have seen the flippant prisms of entitlement cloak masses in slovenly behavior 

For now, I miss my people, the rational, the tolerant, the ability to see fault
We must choose from this tree, choice A or choice B
To me it is easy to see, the better path for now, but certainly not for always

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