Monday, November 5, 2012

Drops to the Forest Floor

Drops to the Forest Floor 

Rheum build up, mucus crusted to the corners of eyelids
Power out, hurricane came through during the night
Stripped the lines, battery back-up failed, garage door stagnant
Manual exertion depleted to the quagmire of depression  

Resigned to the forecast, the precognition of reparations possible
In the pitter-pat of hours dangling like parachute rip chords
In the precipitation from the sky praying for hands to reach
In indignant rebellion to dare grip liquid into solid  

As if the smatter of sliding hope were not destined for a puddle
To collect and evaporate to dangle about the clouds in the morrow
To entreat for a repetitive cycle of dissonance over angelic benediction
The act of faith is the kindled fire as flint in the storm  

Hands stretch, again stretch, reach, stretch, wetter and wetter still
Eyes exhaust and the dampness, the humidity is blinding
The dank in the dark lambasts the stark honest criticism of science
Stages of matter coagulated by a belief system based on anomalies  

Get up, knocked down, get up, knocked down, get up, stay
The cycle of resigned dignity is folded into an envelope
Mailed to one’s self at the eleventh hour as a reminder to assure
What was, will endure like the boulder for Sisyphus 

So in the throngs of this depression what chisel does one bear?
What flint; what lung to swallow this exhaust that
Like a fern perpetuates in the dim floor to convert
Carbon into oxygen, that which saves me, kills you 

And therefore in this form I will take it away to assure your safety
Do the same, but do not forget my existence. 
Do not stamp me from this entangled symbiosis
In all this blackness reach to me with the nude exchange of breath
And I will repay you 

In the shadow-lands of canopy suppression, I exhale the honest
Weapon against this encompassing fear-filled depression
Remember, “Do good.  Simply, do good sir.”   

Repay into the folds of leaves the remembrance of that
Which was not mandated by the law, but was done by exhaling the toxins
Inside one’s self, to be the genesis of respiration into a foreign other. 
This is how all great things begin. 

When you see the bank account dwindle
When you see the townsfolk gather their pitchforks
When you see the desperation of a whiskey bottle
When you see the solitary confinement of the digital universe  

Wrap your mind into a casket of encumbered normality
Fraught with the caked-on sludge eye goop we have the gall to label as sleep
As rest, as some mucus of restoration rather than complacent death
That day sir, do good  

Find a child and inspire, find a father and help his hands to work for his kin
Find a mother and listen, find an artist and respond to the arc of light that entered
Your heart when intersecting with the ray of that which she creates
Find a hammer and a nail and combat the idolatry to the cult of blame  

Be one that helps those who are pleading at rain drops
Gasping upon all solid notions of sanity that fluid must transfer into solid
That carbon must convert into oxygen despite the travesty of human lungs
Be that which permeates time to be embraced by another’s grandchild  

As the impetus as to why destitution was not an inoperable eyelid
That the hands of blood extending were gripped like buckets
To collect fuel for the horse to proceed from this outpost to that
In that good, the despair inside your own prism will crackle to unleash a spectrum  

Unbound in a rainbow bending into the nature of all things
However down, however crimpled into nothing sight
Do good in the day that you have sir, and nothing more you shall need
Oxygen will flow into you so that dopamine parades out laughter in your voice 

Shattering doubt of why, existential rationale for existence becomes folly quibble
Apparent in the deluge of joy of the amplified ability to soak in the present
These foul religions of archaic legislation segregating habitat of common species
Nevermore, bound to their courts and robed pulpits  

Inhale, exhale, and perspire in the thunderstorm
Soak in the possibility of lightning, hold the rod for the herd
Do good, and illuminate that so that even shut eyes may see

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