Monday, November 26, 2012

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve

I remember the passing line between was and is
Crossing within the borders of a kiss
Static and ecstatic fumbled enigmatic
Come on drip me tragic  

All about this parking lot of marked-up memories
Slashed tires and revving engines throttling to go
Strap the grip of a clutch caution in the slip
Never in the let go always in the innuendo  

Fires bombing at midnight cursing by the dawn
Thorns for the petals stitched bodies belong
Linked in mute and handcuffed in dispute
Of caverns dark and morning’s spark  

To illuminate the beauty marks of tattoos and monthly scars
Missing links and country bars of pickup-truck gun racks
Steeple-obtuse angle pitched ceiling stained-glass window maps
Ways to go and closet mirrors, looking in and autumn delivers promises of winter 

New Orleans calls like a booze hound howling all night long
Remember nothing, never lived or sang, just a memory of absence clangs
Outside the doorway like a cattle triangle of you, me and what will never be
Country thistle and the missiles bombed on Gaza like Jesus  

I miss the painted streets; the highway aches to be held
The neutral ground full of bloody wrecks, the sidelines reek of sex
The gawkers slow-stare at the bodies, death and life, left and right
Middle and the outside forgotten and the crimes  

Nothing but the real, the hearts charred in incinerated masterpieces
Oiled engines combusting in the thrashes
Patience like eagles falling to the earth, talons crossing and death right on the verge
Separate before the ground, cannot prove that love and war do not make the same sounds 

I always wanted to see you in an evening gown
Dressed up like New Year’s Eve, fabric of a haughty life
Children with a sitter and the night all to ourselves
As if America had the hour, wild for the kiss 

You, me, time, passing the line between was and is

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