Sunday, November 25, 2012

Message not the Messenger

Message not the Messenger 

Exiting the clearing the woods scaled back
In stick-brushes crossing my face
I asked her, “If God materialized before us and commanded you to kill me, would you?”
In the belly of a beast between morality and sin  

I call back into a hypothetical of that which you say he would never ask
The years fall like sand precipitation on this desert of assumptions
Book grown long, pages pass, inside the sphere of a titled hour glass
The cold grains spill cracked in the age of concrete  

Homeless man coughs up influenza in the bowels of the street
I prayed three times, morning and night
I saw the sky grow dark despite
Gray cackle clouds, circle like crows  

Oh, delight the murder knows
Which sounds will split these words do tell
The division of man’s speech and hell
I ask not to splay these wounds to burn these walls, our living room 

I wish to stay in this home with you, but I cannot come between
His grace and you; I stand here quelled in a quiet space
This love of God without this phrase
Scribbled by or about a man; who others claim was his living hand  

Cannot form the syllables to ring, that his name was the be all everything
If he was, He was a messenger not the message
I give this life to peace and love and respect it
Cancel not these limbs of blood, heaven is not partitioned from this mud  

Journey now, pace internal; I see the spurs of a road of turmoil
To lay down the hammer and nail, the work of assurance, a scripture failed
Proof and faith the dirty words, fairies nesting inside the thoughts we’ve heard
Myths and coats for winter days; keep us warm inside each phrase  

I hold you here within this bed, come to me and dare we tread
Let go of him to bond with me; I take us all as one universal being
Crawl this lot, this ship, this space, the skin across this fragile place

I can see, I can see, I can see our face in you
Come with me, come with me, we will be soon
In a place, in a place, calling through
Run these fields and I will run with you 

The sun sets dark upon the stage; I extend this hand as if you came
The wolves they howl for dawn, the pack grows hungry the night is long
The steeple tall the soil low, the roots like weeds, the devil we know
I am here watching at the clear, the space the buck will dart out as he sees you near 

Pupils glow in the moon lit dark, I hope the pew is a peaceful heart
Stay inside the holy cage, a bird can sing and pray a maze
A key is sleeping underneath your skin, I see the love, it calls me in

I can see, I can see, I can see our face in you
Come with me, come with me, we will be soon
In a place, in a place, calling through
Run these fields and I will run with you

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