Monday, November 26, 2012

Labyrinths and Oceans

Labyrinths and Oceans 

Catacomb labyrinth of modern man’s stucco tragic
Epoxy quandaries mortared to the maze
Underground and inebriated haze of thirty-four and want no more
The cattle cade is a trail of shits stepped in and want it over with 

The flare gun confirms isolation like an illuminated manifestation
Beyond the grid is a forest of lost bodies attempting an empty spark
Reaching for life in the belly of bacterium, growing gray unsure how to collect them
The moments when the sun caresses like a Miles Davis groove 

Close sensual and honest, pure and redolent like a scent to the ear
Fingers to an abdomen like a gilded rainbow of curves
The lines of humanity blur, so long to come home
Ulysses on the sea exhausted in this foam  

Pitiful mornings fishing in nets ocean sick and plastic regrets
Churning in a funnel island of debris out in this Atlantic
Cold waters luggage and brackish tempting to drink
Still makes the throat burn, finding the wetlands turned  

Black from years of the hurricane’s claw back with salt to the root
Rotten inside and the argument has turned moot
The landing, the standing, the solid Earth and the understanding
That home has a place that still exists  

Cannot see, simple faith and the one last hold
That home endures inside a kindred soul
The one carrier pigeon of every human
Sent out imbued in the sentiment that makes us whole  

Is not a farce lost in a subterranean vat of brine
Sailing eternal with the yoke of time  

I remember Sundays, hoping behind the phrases
I remember Sunday nights seeing Monday’s labor
Compute to estrange us; the week never ends
The heavy and the light will never counterbalance again  

Turn left, turn right, rather figure it out another night
Angels do not exist, only stone figures sculpted by mad men
Directions do not exit, only choices of mortal kin
Split of the same, crying out in the same maze

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