Thursday, November 8, 2012

Incestuous Debt

Incestuous Debt 

Temperature sixteen degrees below in January 2013
The reckoning of the iceberg that ripped the hull
Choices to a $16.2 trillion dollar federal deficit
Untold state and local government debts, GASB 54 incestuous  

The only solutions are stone cold
To go out in the blizzard, barehanded and grip
Artificial estimates preaching the consequences of the fiscal cliff
Like an apocalyptic infomercial for politicians  

Americans can see the intransigence on the drive-through theater in our skulls
Democrats impart keep the rates for those under $250,000, raise those above
Republicans keep for everybody, but where are the cuts? 
The military, the social services, the student loans, the sick?
The bureaucrats, the entitlements, the retirees, the lists? 

Of untold mandates, promises, retroactive must do’s
Political Action Committees, lobbyists and ticker symbols, food
Reality is this is going to hurt, there is no easy winnable
Resolution wading in the harbor, no magic carrot or hat  

To Pull an “it” out and use, austerity whispered on the life raft
The truth is these 2001 and 2003 rates, have been tolling up the deficit
Because the simultaneous spending has been digging this grave
Two wars, repressed interest rates, section-179, stimulated tax breaks 

We ate too much at the buffet America, but we are paying by the pound
Greece, Eurozone what is the sign of our demise,
Mayan Apocalypse of greed someone’s God cries 

The truth is an algorithm, simply put math, will legislators stay after class?
For variables, exponents, growth rates, the economy is going to shrink
It cannot find victory in both, you see the debt was a stimulus
To pull the future into the past, well the tipping point is the present now  

The binge drinking must cease, the carcass the bone, vegetables less meat
Conflagration on spending burn the system to the soil,
Rethink with digital technologies to encompass a complete society embroiled
In one fight, not us and them, health care is not ancillary, but I would beg to question war 

Drone strikes or human rights, Gittmo or Gung-Ho, Michael Keaton car plants  
Global economy and Marijuana crimes into taxable common sense
If you are bound to believe raising tax rates on the upper-crust, reduces growth rates causing the rust on the belt of America, well I ask you to encompass the greater picture
The debt for the country that those taxes go to pay, the interest on interest
And the bond rating decay; look at those side panels of humans that purchase the goods
Sold from the ticker-symbols shaking from Santa-Claus’ beard or
Intercepting Red Riding Hood in the woods
You are living in a fantasy land of skeletons misunderstood
As if these bodies run bare will still bleed you flesh 

Consumer spending is the driver and what meat have we left?
This debt is incestuous it mixes and spills into every home and cavern
Of this nation we have built; yes we built it together
When Obama said it that is what he meant  

Not just you on the top, haughty and pent on maneuvering every tax law
Every loop hole and technicality to create a stalactite of wealth
Hardened on the economic ceiling to become normality
And what we need now are stone-cold choices to accept and better this reality 

Recession, recession that is where we probably must go
Sometimes we must prune the plant for the results to show up next spring after the snow
Fiscal cliff expectations tax increases pay down but a crumb $774 billion in 2013
But at least the tide ain’t going up; economy contract then expand; it is the only way out 

Take your medicine or be like the Greeks or the Romans and
Watch our empire burn down
This is not Romney; this is not Obama or Repubicrat or Democran
This is you and I with a will in our hands; to see mathematics and history  

With a clear transparent lens, to see the gambler’s dilemma of the Dow
To see government defined benefit pensions of the states,
To see Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, that Are NOT EVEN
In the $sixteen point two trillion, as if numbers were rainbows 

And we could just wash the colors into black
There is no pot of gold to get our fiscal sanity back
Only grease and work, toil and community, the first step is congress to end the lunacy 
So when you look at your W2,
Don’t blame the welfare queens or the giant corporations alone
This is us all with our heads in a hole; fearful defecating wars
Terror, drugs, we know what has to stop, the solution is in the synthesis  

Self-aggrandizing, read my book, or take a look; see an idea, and melt the ice to put
Warmth on the table, to come home and be able; to get us out this frozen ocean

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