Thursday, November 29, 2012

Parallel Addiction

Parallel Addiction 

If parallel universes exist
An alternate version of myself
Is a deplorable skid-mark drug addict 

I can imagine a turn, a choice
Consummated, evoked and detoured
Veins riddled like tire treads
Crimpled like torn scabs on interstate roadways 

The drinking, the anesthetization of a consciousness
Breathing through scripted notebooks flowing through an alternate outlet
For release to find common bond in the silence  

The smoking, the miracle haze of rail billowing
Through European territories babbling in languages
I would never take the time to become fluent  

The injections, the missiles going off like Gaza
At war with my homeland wanting back what was mine by birth
Yet sabotaged based on the nature of rooted decision trees   

The driving, the times behind a steering wheel
Staring aimless at a set of brake lights and a lighter on the passenger seat
The bags in the glove compartment, the glances at the rearview mirror 

The insomnia, the weight of head to pillow collisions
Crumbling these papers fed into my notebooks like must get it out ejections of poetry
Incinerated into gathering shoes to light up on a porch and stare at passing cars 

The bar stools, the orders the familiarity and sinister friendships
Of mutual decay shaken hands and amenable recognition of a common decadence
The juke box lies replaying in stereo flirting with parallel damned beauties 

The escape, the silence follows out to get the supplies
The adventures with deal-makers experimenting with potency to evaluate the sincerity
Of perverted American criminals; pointing pistols at each other beneath our pockets 

The loneliness, the match or the pen burning the same
Bizarre strength and fragility wrapped up like lovers molesting each other
Because we know nothing else

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