Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Night Thoughts 11/7/2012

The trending influx of a more non-white male demographic profile to the electorate correlated with the explosion of digital information to fact check erroneous mathematics to beguile the masses under the cult of faulty macroeconomic policies should cause a reckoning within the Republican Party.  

The 2012 red-state presidential campaign portrayed an arrogance to not only ignore the core social issues of those demographics by living inside a bubble, but anesthetized itself into believing that intransigent congressional policies to sabotage the incumbent would go unnoticed.   

Escalating a commitment away from access to health care, women’s rights, marriage equality, pathways to citizenship, and basic economic level playing fields imprinted a stark contrast in the America outside the land not dominated by tractors, rifles, and pews.  

The pull towards science, math, environmental consciousness, and global economic strategies, and quite frankly the decreased reliance on religion as a political crutch, will proliferate as web-based mediums disseminate free-thinking to a greater portion of the population independent of income.  

The Republican party of Lincoln no longer exists.  I hope for America’s sake that the party cuts ties from the pact it has made with Grover Norquist and the Tea Party to see past the politics of isolation, blame and obstructionism that have led to tonight in order to capture the best ideals of Lincoln; individual freedom based in facts, math, truth and equality.

My best hope is that we have strong political thinkers in Washington who can tackle these issues, and maybe tonight America’s rebuttal to the traffic jam of a sixty member filibuster Senate and do-nothing House will have a chance at doing just that.  Peace, Love, We are all interconnected. 

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