Friday, July 6, 2012

Shelly in Silence

One day I will recognize your face as my compatriot
With skin like a cresting wave trickling fingers
Dribbling from the bone below my iris sliding down
On a curvature to connect with the partnered apex of my smile
Joining a semi circle completed in your own

I will see you stepping out of your car taking off your sunglasses
And looking up at the sight of me on at a table shadowed by an over-sized patio umbrella
On a Wednesday afternoon in spring and you could just drop everything
To spend an afternoon approaching June with me

Sandals and a summer of grass blades
Unafraid to lay down and roll
While who-ever looks, because optics are partnered 
Not in juries crowded on the extremities of every word
Censuring the tendrils of your soul until their burden
Bears weight like cannon balls plummeting from a newfound distance
Bombing my world, you are free from such yokes of thought
For when you see me, you see a peace complete

Raised from the everywhere that I could never witness

Below the ocean of her maelstrom of judgment
Calmed with a slurped exit upward from all of that which is now behind me

Appreciation falls like rain on my deserted beach
Stranded and landed with other flotsam and jetsam
From out on the slopes of the cradle of placid sway

The waves grew rambunctious under her hurricane
Long held torpedoes of resentment fueled by guilt
Blasted holds in my vessel and sent me a drift

Oars and silence have brought my face upon a seashell staring at the sun
Grit and grain of time laced with a salty line
I spit her out start a fire and time

Smoke signals when I am ready to rebuild my own boat
Set sail for a mermaid and my own dreams
A clouded day but a perfect sky because no one wants to feel half way alive

A year a group of months clumped and piled on the end of
All of this, how much time is fine to know you have severed and are
Ready not to infect any new body with your old host
How do you know your fracture is set and won’t sever in the movements?
Indeterminate schedule until a foot is pushing and a lung compressed reconnects

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