Friday, July 6, 2012

My letter to Katrina

Sometimes I blame you
You inanimate twisted fcuk
Logic tells me there is no reason to use reason
To even consider the ramifications of your arrival
In the time frame of my existence as a personal vendetta
Or even a minor inconvenience compared to the massive
Level of clustered tribulations and overall bad ass cock-sucking rampage
You have besieged all the homeless, dead, and vagabonds
Left in your wake, however as a personal matter of selfish retribution
I would like to inform you that you suck.

You suck a sewerage pipe full of donkey shit intermixed with
Strands of discarded Aids’ patient syringes and clumps of home made
Child pornography video cassettes pumping out into Puget Sound
Choking orca and baby sea lions while spawning salmon give up
There kamikaze reproduction quests at the repugnance of your rancid stench

You are the chill on the skin of goose bumps rising in unison
On a mother clutching her infant child lost in the wilderness
As she is surrounded by a pack of starving wolves
Growling and circling a step before pouncing on her jugular
And the limbs of her newborn being torn apart like a rag doll.

You are the sound of laughter of a renegade pack mentality third grade classroom
Generating the crescendo of twenty-one eight year olds detecting the
Discoloration of khaki to dampened brown in the groin area of a little boy
Ignored by his math teacher that relieved himself in his own pants
Out of imprisoned frustration, ineptitude and embarrassment of nobody
Coming to help or allowing him to help himself.

You are the texture of an ass zit on Godzilla spewing acid saliva
Foaming at the mouth to devour a bus full of school children and nuns
On a field trip to see a play about the life of Mahatma Gandhi
That explodes out puce pasty puss in dump truck loads
Leveling the rafters of an orphanage and suffocating the survivors
In a bath of steaming lizard pimple slime that
Will cover the town in Bhopal-mold for the next decade.

You are the taste of the inner spasm of a bifurcating bacteria spore
Straddling a scrap of molded appam crimped under the gutter of an open
Air human waste drain laid out in the belly of Mumbai
That six starving slum-dogs fight over to consume

You are the sound of a thousand lies to a dedicated spouse
To cover up sexual infidelities
With the fifteen year old next door neighbor and seventeen different random acquaintances across the stitch-work of a marriage
Including a waiter at T.G.I. Fridays
That has anonymously transmitted
The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Across inundated impaled blood cells in a belated re-assurance encounter
During a Sunday morning church service to cover up the flood of prior transgressions.

You are the smell of the back of a 1982 Ford Fairmont of discarded
Burger King bags and mashed cigarette buts as a fourteen-year old
Girl from Kismet Kansas loses her virginity to the thirty-nine year old
Manger of the Dairy Queen name Raymond Blanco.

You are the movement of a needle injecting Mifepristone
Prompting a botched abortion attempt
On a third trimester child that is later strangled in a biohazard bag and
Hidden on a rooftop screaming to his own death in Hialeah Florida

You are the sound of a fourteen-year old boy named George
Who snagged his scrotum in his zipper,
Opening the door to the bathroom and calling his step-mother for assistance as the rest of his family walks in the front door from soccer practice.

You are the sound of finger nails scrapping bloodied concrete
Amongst a heap of intermixed soon to be deceased
Occupants of Dachau screaming out during the process of execution
Clamoring in stutters of broken Hebrew for God’s grace
Only to be drowned out by the laughter of indoctrinated Nazi bellows.

You are the sadistic grin on a lunatic named Dick tailgating an ice cream van
Patrolling a neighborhood, lurking and pouncing at the moment
A huddle of six-year olds lunge for their first bites into mutant ninja turtle popsicles
Only to push the midgets over to steal the frosty-stick reptile-replicas
Extracting a chomp from each frozen-head and smash them into the summer concrete
Just to see little faces cry thus scarring them from ever entering a
Baskin Robbins or a PETCO.

You are the smell of smoldering flesh in Hiroshima of melting newly-made orphans
That will grow up without parents and missing limbs and mandibles that will die of incurable cancer at the age of twenty-three absent of faith in humanity and always questioning why they couldn’t have just perished in the fallout

You are the sight of a wall of water barreling down a suburban thoroughfare
Chugging like a liquid juggernaut to leap up porch steps and pop windows like eggshells
To create blocks of pure humidity to turn photo albums into toilet paper
Prompting geriatric hold-outs to hike attic ladders with hammers to hold on rooftops hoping for a blind-eyed cavalry

You are the crest of a four-story wave arching with an engulfing claw
To drag everything but the slab into oblivion
Scattering random remnants of grocery bags and pajama pants to
Settle in the branches of two-story tree canopies as the tide subsides

You are the sight of a closing door in a thousand families broken apart
Because dreams were crushed under the pressure of your alterations
And tossed into a swirling toilet bowl of a future dammed to live on the cusp
Of Sisyphus style endeavors hoping upon hope that the boulder would just crush them.

I hate you for making us move and uprooting our little life.
For forcing no win decisions and promulgating suicides in drenched living rooms
And you are just water vapor moving in concert and speed without soul
Without remorse and in the cyclical silence you disappear
In a hit and run without exchanging insurance information
So yeah, you suck.

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