Friday, July 6, 2012

A letter to a stranger

A letter to a stranger

I am not sure what is going on in your life, but I am trying to move on with mine.
I have diminishing hopes that I will be able to set up a new home for our daughter and I by Christmas, because of the lack of a response from your end regarding the settlement of our property issues.  The prolonged time frame has postponed the sense of potential closure such a transition would provide.  From the limited discussions we have had regarding the dissolution of our marriage and the evolving environment we have created for our daughter since the enactment of that cessation, I thought we could at minimum agree that once the custody agreement was made whether by our mutual agreement or by judicial decree that we would allow each other the liberation to move on with our lives. 

I know we don’t talk.  We don’t converse on some level other than the imaginary, mandatory, superficial, or regarding our genuine mutual love and concern for our daughter.  You know I never wanted to get divorced.  As if all my pleas meant as cotton swabs came across as arrow points, my words even now feel as futile as the fingers of a wave across Gibraltar.  There are pieces of all of this that I have resigned in my heart that I may never understand or be able to mend completely.  But I know that this is what you want and so I have let you go to live as you wish.  Please let me do the same.


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