Friday, July 6, 2012

Sadistic Intent

Heavy sledge like a thud-club mallet dragging the road’s surface
Cracking concrete forging a mini-canyon of segregation in rubble
Of a black depth divided with the extracted gray crumbled chunks
Heaved haphazardly to the left and onto the right

As if the consequences were dispersed in some sort of random reality
But no, justice would say this is not a weapon of mine,
Nor instrument of progression towards an intended outcome
This is cumbersome cubic abandonment in flat weight hurled and wielded

With devastating intent held in the hands of the rodent queen
So innocuous to public’s perception and thunderous in her private conceptions
Of reality like Raiden on hormonal swings I am scorched and reverberating the
Sizzle of segregation with steamed tears of a mistaken present
Her say affects my now every day and I don’t want it to.

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