Friday, July 6, 2012


One day there will be a hearse, black coats and a verse
Someone else will read about dust and dust and how we must
Shed a tear for the end of your time here, but
I can’t say I won’t bring a kazoo to bid farewell

Blow it to drown out the other’s boo’s, because
I guess they never knew the you I knew
Asshole so profound,
Ha, Ha, you’re dead and I am so happy now

I think birds will sing, babies will bring a middle finger
To salute your picture on the obituary
While I piss on your coffin lying stationary
Down in your little empty hole, plenty big to fit a vapid soul                          

You had your family fooled wearing pimped out suits
Making corporate rules, donating your time
To the eradication of listening to common sense and
Persecuting appreciation like a Nazi genocide on compliments

So certain to keep your distance and firebomb any resistance
Sabotage your own life just to spite me and my sentiments
Of love and genuine concern that betrayal was a better lesson learned
Good riddance you emotional free-loading bastard

Incendiary dreams beautiful and fraught with an arsonist’s finger prints
May I one day see you actually die of embarrassment
By falling backwards onto a freeway to slump beneath a passing
Dump truck as your family finally figures out your plastic secrets

As your years of chunky passive-aggressive accoutrements
Pile on top of your rotting corpse left alone for days until
Stray canines raffle off limbs like conciliation prizes for not
Finding something more palatable in an open sewer

Gnawed away and stranded next to a jumble of cardboard boxes
In a hobo city where I can flip over a urine soaked T-Shirt to collect 
Your remnants to conduct a parody-filled mock-funeral
Where I can invite your Ketamine injecting friends
And cocaine snorting adulteresses to share a blow-job liqueur shot in your honor

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