Friday, July 6, 2012

Cotton balls

Launching cotton balls from catapults
The inner constitution of my retribution
Can not muster the fortitude to combat your assaults upon our castle

I can not slay that which is so a part of myself
As if the hydra heads of your explanations
Waft in spasms of spaghetti tree trunks of emotional wrecking balls
Flailing limp under logical inspection, yet busting voids in my visage

Expelling and extracting my internal compliment like a Jenga tower
That without you, the balancing act to my high school inadequacies
Were no longer counter-weighted and left thundering in a thud
Of psychological bombardment upon my id floor

To shatter and germinate seedlings like mogwai into gremlins
For me to combat in my quiet hours
In the solitude I find my sword, sharpened and steady in sheath
Thrust from the hilt of certainty

That I may never flail upon you with blood lust
But I will not let this garden to rot for the fungus and overture of reckless inattention
And so I strike my plowshare upon the dirt
To replant, uproot, and extinguish the scent of spoiled flesh
For a tendril of an orchid to entwine upon a sunrise
Grasping that which is greater than you

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