Friday, July 6, 2012

Basket Case

Up at the bat and it is stacked with sixteen strikes allowed for you
What is a man supposed to do when it is
One for me up at the mic and I’ve got the end in sight
Talk, talk, talk until it is time to walk to that courtroom and have

The world listen to you go on and on about what you fear
An innocent face with a bodyguard, why can’t you come in without the alarms
Going off blaring in the backgrounds, stealth fighters come in for a beat-down
Hand grenade in you pocket going to chuck it across the room

Slap in my lap, what’s wrong with you?
Destroy us all, decapitate the family, three-heads, just to constrain me
Out on a porch wrapped up in the issues, sticking to a liars nest of tissues
Crocodile, pan a smile and wipe away those cross tears

Crucify yourself to pander up false fears
You claim to have, in the net years you snared yourself
Marriage like a basket case to plant your image
Up in the vines of cables and chains, do you even have a footing to stake your claims?

That I was the boogie man.  I was the jigga-man crunching up the food supply
Crowding out any breath to survive, in this hostility fucked up humidity
You’ve got your head plastered in the clouds of a Cinderella dream
For your right to be happy, ever think a mirror had the view that needed to be slapped,

Please, thoughts on cracked, stabbed me in back with that rock of your finger,
Knocked me to the mat, Crunch me, scrunch me,
Pull your lip over your head wide enough to munch me, up in the belly of your
Asp-faced beast venom injecting to stutter my speech, Wiggle out the rigor
Brush off my shoulder, ah life in my hands you should have told her,  

Coming back from this mummy-time with my cross hairs crossed
Right left to your eyesight so look it up on the wall  
Projected up to all that the movie is playing in an Imax style
Seven-stories high with just one truth, this is when your chickens come home to roost

Squak, squak, squak, like a robot, lies you hatched have boomeranged back
I’m at peace to your passive aggressive war lingering penitentiary can’t hurt me any more
Hostility on a key ring to lock me out my own home, tell me again those vows I must have said on my own, you walked out, abandoned me and now you hold me hostage financially,

Up in the castle we built for you, sipping on a Sunday I carried you
Out of the waters of this vagabond storm, to rebuild a life on you Pa Pa’s old farm
Herd in the sheep and pin up the pigs you got mud on your dress and sin on your lips
Cuckold-a-doodle-doo, what’s wrong with you?
Did your mama every teach you how to lose?  

Keep your pupils up with the twinkle in your tiara, sight gone distracted because I think you broke some laws, huh? Legal system rules, but what about this family,
Is our daughter really going to believe you had to strand me? 
To save her little spirit lost up in the loam,
Dirt got flung on the walls of her own home,

So quick to disparage, pitch out this marriage, saying you’ve been struggling for years before the crash and why don’t’ I believe you, oh because I was there, to hear every word and carry every care in the halls of my heart like a petal on a pillow, but you burry your head like a rancid armadillo down in the dirt of a mound of hurt you’ve shit out yourself, yet deny you exert

Had to be me that took off the smiles like Mr. Potato head swapping out styles
Angry, Angry always trying to name me, Grendel-mental monster bound crescendo
Always asking, always passing the buck to me, honey why aren’t you happy?
And I tell you I am somehow in this dodo land,
Smiles never add up to the quota in your hand,

I trusted, must have, to keep my heart in park past, ten years no fears
That married life had put to rest my eyes for other skies
To go to sleep each night knowing I had found my pasture in the nape of your neck
Spoon like crescent moon holding my breath,

I had peace you’ve burned to solace of a one-sided love you’ve shredded to sawdust
Escape my caress with a Judas kiss, silver on a Bible in the living room
I know you missed the symbolism in the collision of them remnants of a life you were throwing away
Living alone in your palatial estate,

Rearrange the furniture and claim it an escape
Uh oh, he goes on through the window of time you had planned my demise
Only to see the flaws of your life out on display and now I can play out on my own and you can ramble on, but your message is starting to drone, on and on and on
Of hard times come and gone,

With my extraction you got a divisible fraction
Of one, one lady on a hill, with a pimped-out golf cart and mouth full of swill
So go play 18 holes all by yourself, get your own damn ball, because this caddy isn’t coming to help, no more dinners on a plate with a semblance of class, no breakfast in the morning or telling you your ass, isn’t that plump like truffle hunting swine,

You’ll need a little make up to get back on that line for some one to submit to all of your will to be the leader of the row boat at a stand still, How can you grow if you don’t let any body in?  How can you breathe if you blame me for all of your sins? 
Why didn’t you just tell me you wanted to leave?
Why did you have to start a war when I only wanted peace?

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